A Perfect Cowboy Daddy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 7) Page 10
“Am I late?” He dipped his hand in the water.
“I was getting anxious.”
“To relax in the hot tub?”
“No, for you.” She stood up and water trickled over her bare breasts, streaming from her hard nipples, gliding down her flat stomach and luscious thighs. Steam rolled off her skin. His mouth salivated as his cock shot up against his zipper.
“Damn. What you do to me, sweetheart.” He was as hard as iron and primed as a pile-driver. He skimmed his gaze over her again, admiring how her body glistened in the soft light. Her nipples budded more until they were puffy, crimson beds. “I like what I see.”
She lifted a thin brow as she teasingly slid the tips of her fingers between the valley of her breasts and paused at her navel. He wanted to follow that line with his tongue.
He growled.
“What are you waitin’ on, doc? I’m all alone in here.” She cooed and sunk back into the water, hiding her precious curves from his hungry gaze.
Without any hesitation or thought of consequences, he toed off his boots, dragged off his hat and tossed it to the nearest chair. Then came his shirt and because he was full of anticipation, he tore off a few buttons in his haste. She chuckled and stilled her arms on the edge of the tub, laying her chin on her folded arms and watching him as he continued to undress. Seeing the glaze in her pale eyes made his gut tight and his cock ache to sink not only in the water but inside of her.
He unsnapped his jeans, loosened the zipper and hurried to push them down his hips and off his legs, followed by his boxers, until he was naked. His staff saluted the sky. He stepped toward her, looking deep into her beautiful eyes.
Once he was inside with her, he waded next to her and she arched her back, bringing her breasts bobbing on top of the water. He couldn’t help but feel as if he’d won the lottery where Moon was concerned. Her uninhibited actions made him crave her like he desired his next breath. Leisurely, he strolled his gaze from her dewy face, rosy cheeks, down to her long, graceful neck. Her slender shoulders with a scattering of faint freckles. Her delicate hands with short nails. She was utterly beautiful and feminine, but her breasts, he just couldn’t seem to turn his gaze away as the milky globes bobbed on the water. They were amazing! Firm, full with large nipples that made his mouth salivate. He reached out and touched the distended buds, circling one finger around the areola. She moaned lightly and arched her back more, bringing her tits higher above the line of water. He cupped one, lifting it, testing the ampleness in his palm, relishing in the perfection.
“I could suck on your tits all day.” His words were released on an exhale of breath.
He brought his other hand up, cupping both of her breasts, tweaking the nipples with his thumbs. They beaded more. He traced them, gently tugged and enjoyed how they responded to his touch. Her whimper seeped through his skin, straight into his chest where it took up residence. He loved hearing her noises of excitement. Her head leaned back, her long hair cascaded over the edge as her breasts pushed harder into his hands.
He couldn’t wait another second before he put his mouth on her, tasted her. He wanted to forego all red lights and sink inside of her, but he needed to be very careful—to relish the time he had with this beauty. For the moment she was his and he brought her passion and he didn’t want that to end too soon. If ever.
He lowered his head and wrapped his lips around one pert nipple, suckling it deeper into his mouth until her whimpers turned into moans. Her fingers came up to massage his scalp as if to keep his affection going. He continued to kiss, lick, and make love to her silken, moist flesh. Dancing his tongue over the lush swollen curves of her breasts, taking turns on each globe, making sure he gave each the same amount of pleasure. He teased her, nipped at her flesh, slid his tongue between the cleft. He lowered his hands inside of the water, clutched her ass and lifted her lower body up and out. Her thighs opened and her pussy was within inches of his mouth, exactly where he wanted her.
Moon didn’t understand completely what was happening, or how it was happening, but she was walking on a cloud. She’d never felt so alive—so outside of her body before. She was doing things that were so unlike her, unlike anything she’d ever imagined doing in her adult life. She’d told herself more than a hundred times that there was nothing wrong with passion, justifying her wanton behavior, reveling in how good Cam made her feel.
And when his tongue slid through her core, she thought she’d have an instant orgasm. Blasts of heat and honey swamped her senses as she completely relaxed, allowing him to have his way with her body. “Yes!” she cried out as his tongue found her most secret spot, swirling his tongue around her clit, then suckling the sensitive flesh between his lips and expertly making her legs quiver that were suspended over his shoulders. How had she ever missed that this was possible inside of a hot tub.
She cradled his head between her trembling thighs, staring down her water dampened body to where his mouth connected with her center. His head moved slightly as he rolled his tongue through her, around her, over her. Tingles of electricity boomeranged through her, lighting her veins with intoxicated blood. “That. Is. So. Good,” she gasped as she held onto him, literally a lifeline so she wouldn’t drown. She reveled in the magic he created on her body.
“Do you like this, sweetheart?” He was looking up at her while continuing to lap at her pussy.
“Yes! I love this.”
He skated his tongue up her seam and down again, kissing her while moaning. His tongue licking every spot. She’d never known a more indulgent sensation in her life. She’d never had her pussy treated with such care before. He continued to devour her swollen cleft.
“Please, Cam. Put your finger inside of me,” she whispered. She lingered on the precipice…
A deep moan swirled off his tongue as he did as she wanted. He not only thrust one finger inside, but he buried two into her weeping body. He expertly moved his tongue and fingers in rhythm as she drew even closer to the edge of release.
Then it happened, like a rubber band snapping. She cried out as a feeling of hot and cold washed over her, making every cell come alive. Every soft hair stood erect. Making her heart beat so heavily that she feared it would bounce right out of her chest. In that moment, anything could happen—the earth could quake, the water would freeze, a shower of rocks could fall—and she’d still be suspended here in an orgasm that rated the magnitude of a ten on the Richter scale.
Once the spasms had stilled some in her womb, he lowered her body back into the water and made his way up her body until he was kissing her, devouring her lips like he had her pussy. The scent of her juices remaining on his face was sensual.
He found her nipples again, tugging and tweaking. She shivered under his touch as the last remnants of the orgasm faded from her body. He held her close, as she trembled one last time. She couldn’t ever remember being held with such promise before.
“I have a feeling you really like my breasts,” she whimpered.
“I don’t like your breasts. I love them.”
Heat spread through like electrical currents, zapping her insides. She could feel her pussy throbbing, desperately needing more. Immeasurable cyclones of pleasure flowed through her, all targeting her clit that remembered how good his tongue had felt. She’d been given wings and she was flying high, soaring above the clouds and mountains.
“You’re so lovely. So sweet. I could spend all of my time loving your luscious body.” He splattered kisses all over her face, her neck, suckled her earlobe between his lips. Ran his teeth along the plump skin and she felt the beginnings of another orgasm building in her core.
He took her by the shoulders and gently turned her around. She clung to the side of the tub as he grasped her hips and lifted her ass high. He slid behind her and she felt his tip at her opening and in one thrust, he plunged inside of her, stretching her tight muscles to fit his large body. Water splashed around them and over the edge onto the floor. The
jets moaned around them, entwining with her own passionate groans. He clasped his hands on her shoulders as he lunged in and out of her.
She pushed her bottom back into his hips, wanting him deeper—needing him to fill every space within her body. He continued to ride her until his body stiffened and a ravaging groan escaped him. His breathing was rapid and she could feel the fast beating of his heart in her back as he slumped over her.
Moon was brushing the last horse when she felt fingers entwine in her hair. She smiled. “I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight. Have you come searching for a repeat of the hot tub?”
“You’ll have to fill me in.”
The deep voice wasn’t who she expected. She turned on her heel and came face-to-face with Cole. “Shit! You scared me to death.” She pressed her palm against her chest hoping to slow her heart.
“Not who you were expecting?” He raised a brow and pushed back his hat.
She gulped, attempting to get her mind back on track. She’d totally expected to see Cam. She hadn’t seen him in a few days. “What is it, Cole? I thought you had gone out with the rest of the staff.”
“I thought I’d stay back. Why didn’t you go?”
“I’m not in the mood and I had work to finish up.”
“Something’s been taking your mind off work lately. Would it happen to be Cam?”
She frowned. “What makes you think such a thing?”
He took a step closer. “I’m not blind.”
She brushed past him, slid off her gloves and tossed them onto the work bench. “I never said you were.”
“I know what’s going on between you and him, darlin’. And here I thought you were a goody two shoes and you’re sneaking around with the doctor. I thought you were more into the rough cowboy type.”
“Let’s not do this, Cole. Is there another reason why you’re here?”
“To see you.”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“No, just annoying,” she groaned. All she wanted to do was be left alone. She had a lot on her mind.
“Let’s not pretend any longer. We both know we’ve played too long. Enough foreplay now let’s move on to something more.”
She squinted. Was he serious? “What are you talking about?”
“You and me. I can’t stay quiet any longer.”
Her mouth turned dry and her throat constricted. “Cole, I don’t know how you’ve gotten the impression that there’s a ‘you and me’ but I don’t feel that way. Never have.”
“It’s okay, baby. No one needs to know, not even Cam. You’ve had mediocre, now let me show you the stallion.” He took a step closer and she took a step backward.
She held up her hands. “Whoa there, stallion. I’m not the filly you’re looking for.”
“If I’d known you were looking for a man, I’d have made my intentions known a long time ago.”
She shook her head. “Don’t embarrass yourself. I’m not looking, and especially not looking for you.”
“Come on, babe.”
“No. Just no.”
“I think you’re finally listening to me. You’re right, I am sleeping with Cam.” Maybe this would drive home the truth to Cole that she wasn’t interested.
He swallowed. “Like I said, I don’t care. Once you have what I have to offer, you won’t need him any longer.”
“There you are again, choosing to hear what you want to hear.” She was growing impatient. “I’m sorry. I had no clue you felt this way and if I’ve given you any reason—” He reached out and took her wrist in a tight cuff and he pulled her closer.
“I don’t believe you. I see the way you look at me. Let me help you change your mind.”
Before she knew what he was doing, his mouth clamped hers, hard and demanding. Nothing at all like Cam’s sweet, passionate kisses. She pushed at Cole’s chest and he moaned. She pushed again and he didn’t make a move to release her. With no other choice, she lifted her knee and targeted his crotch, landing with a deep plunge that sent him backward, grasping his zipper with two hands.
He looked up at her with a squeezed, red expression. Saliva bubbled at the corners of his mouth and his eyes went bloodshot. “Wha-what was that for?”
“How dare you kiss me! Don’t ever lay a hand on me again.” With those words, she stomped out of the barn, slid behind the wheel of the Gator and turned on the engine. She jammed the gas pedal and the small wheels spun in the grass until finally catching and sending her on her way. Without looking back, she continued until she was far away from the place where she’d left a bent over asshole.
“Can’t say I was expecting you, but you won’t hear me complain,” Cam said as he opened the door, finding Moon standing on the step to his cabin. He was smiling, but it fizzled when he saw that her eyes were red and the tip of her nose was rosy, as if she’d been crying. “What’s wrong?”
His words must have opened the dam again because tears slid down her cheeks. “Can-Can I come in?” she sputtered.
“Yes. Of course.” He stepped aside and let her pass. He closed the door with his bare foot and was beside her, laying a hand on her trembling shoulder. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know why I’m crying. I don’t ever cry.” She drew in a ragged breath. “Suddenly, I’m a basket of emotions. I cried while watching one of the mama cows cuddle close to her baby today. I cried over a jar of pickles. Then I cried when I threw them up.” She swiped the sleeve of her shirt across her nose. “You’re a doctor. Am I going through menopause?”
He bit his lip to keep from smiling. “No, you’re too young. Has something been bothering you?”
“It’s not a big deal, really. I don’t think it is.” She dabbed her sleeve across her wet cheeks.
“Have a seat. I’ll grab you something to calm your nerves.” He hurried and poured a small amount of whiskey into a tumbler and was back at her side, sitting next to her on the couch. Seeing her so distraught made his protective side grow like a beast. He never liked to see any woman cry, especially one he’d developed feelings for.
Hell, truth be known, he was pretty sure he loved her.
He handed her the glass. The tears had dried, but he could see by her slumped shoulders that she was still reeling. “Okay, what happened?”
“I-I don’t know if I should tell you.” She looked at him through her tear-soaked lashes.
“Why not? You can tell me anything.” He swept a tendril of her hair away from her cheek.
She placed her untouched glass on the table and clasped her hands together tightly. “I think I screwed up. Royally.” Her voice trembled.
“We all do on occasion.” She wiped her sleeve across her nose again and he reached to the side table, grabbed a handful of tissues, and handed the wad to her.
“But I mean I really fucked up. I might have just turned in my resignation.”
“Okay, how about if you start from the beginning. I’m lost.”
She scooted back into the cushion. Her bottom lip trembled as she met his gaze. “Tonight I was in the barn, finishing up work and I…well, I thought you had come to see me, but it was Cole. I slipped up and let it out that you and I…you know.”
He rubbed his jaw. “Well, I think we knew the risk when we started.”
She swallowed loudly. “But you’re not held to the same rules as I am. Chase is strict against staff sleeping together. He thinks it takes away from our duties to the guests. It’s true too. Look at me. I’m nothing but a blubbering idiot.”
He reached out and took her hand, entwining their fingers. “I’m sorry. But I should tell you that Cole already knew about us.”
“What?” She blinked.
“Last night he caught me heading to the staff quarters. I guess I was the one who actually admitted that his suspicions were true.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She blew out a long breath that sent
more tendrils of hair floating away from her face.
“Well, honestly, once I saw you naked in the hot tub I lost all logical thought. I had forgotten about it until now.”
“Then I might as well kiss my job goodbye.”
“Not so quick. If Cole was going to tell Chase, he would have already. What would he gain from squealing anyway?”
One corner of her mouth lowered. “There’s more to the story. Apparently you were right. He had a crazy thought that he and I had something between us.”
“And you made it clear that he was wrong?”
She nodded. “Yes, with my knee to his groin.”
Cam wrapped his brain around her words. “Wow, that’s some rejection.”
“I only did what I had to do.” She cuffed her fingers around her wrist.
“Why did you have to defend yourself?” His gut twisted and his temper flared. He had a feeling he wouldn’t like what he was about to hear. He’d already warned the man to leave Moon alone.
“He kissed me. I-I tried pushing him away…”
Cam clenched his jaw and hands into fists. He silently counted to ten, but it didn’t touch the anger growing within him. “He kissed you?”
“I think he just lost his head for a second. Maybe he thought he could prove that I really wanted him. I don’t know, but that’s when I hit him and he backed away. Actually, he was clutching himself and making gurgling noises from the pain.”
He leaned forward and kissed her on top of the head. “I’m glad you did. I hope you gave him something to remember for the next few days. Now you need to go tell Chase what happened.”
She pulled back, blinking twice. “What? No. That can’t happen.”
“Moon, think about this. He has gone too far. Chase needs to know. He’d want to know.”
“And then I’ll definitely lose my job. Do you know how hard it is for a woman to find a job in a male dominated career? If I lose this job, I won’t have another option.”
He lifted her chin, bringing her gaze to meet his. “You’ll find another.”
She gave her head a shake. “No, you don’t understand…” She pulled her face away.