A Perfect Cowboy Daddy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 7) Page 12
He stepped inside of the building, but it was empty. Dade said Cole had told him he was heading to the staff quarters. He’d search the whole damn property until he found the man.
He turned on heel and almost ran smack dab into Moon. He caught her by the shoulders to keep her from falling. “I didn’t know you were right behind me.”
“I saw you heading here so I followed.”
She looked pale and her eyes were red. His protective side reared an ugly head. “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me that bastard did something to you again.” He was ready to tear the man’s head off.
She gave her head a shake, sending tendrils of hair around her cheeks. “I-I don’t know how to say this…”
He swallowed. From her dire expression to the trembling in her voice, his ass puckered in alarm. “Best just to blurt it out.” Was she telling him she no longer wanted to see him? How could that be possible? After what they shared this morning, over the weekend, he only wanted more and more.
She looked at him through her long lashes and folded her arms over her chest. “I was at the doctor earlier.”
His body went stiff. Once a man heard those words followed by bad news, he never expected anything good. “What is it? Are you okay?” There was a slight quiver to his own words.
She nodded. “It’s nothing fatal, just long term—very long term.”
“Moon, come on, tell me before I burst into a million pieces.”
“You and me…well…” She struggled. “We…I…I’m pregnant.”
He blinked. His world spun and he suddenly couldn’t breathe. “What?” That was the only word he could manage.
“I had the test and it was positive.”
“Really? You’re a doctor for goodness sake.” Her nose wrinkled.
“No…I understand that…but…we used protection.”
“Not every single time and it only takes once. There is the chance that one of the condoms had a hole. But the facts are, I’m early, but I am pregnant.”
The squeaking of the door, followed by the pounding of boots on the floor brought both of their gazes on Cole who was strolling into the kitchen. Once he saw Cam and Moon he stopped.
“Damn, what’d she do, bro? Give you your walking papers?” Cole laughed.
Cam couldn’t even think, only respond. The sharp crack of his fist connecting with Cole’s jaw resounded, along with a deep moan as he reeled back and fell, sprawling onto his ass. Cam looked down at the man, glowering. “I warned you once that I’d kick your ass if you so much as looked at her the wrong way. Maybe this’ll teach you to listen to a man when he speaks.”
He grabbed Moon’s hand and gently tugged her along with him down the hall and out the door.
“Cam?” Moon looked over her shoulder then back at him.
“We need to talk.” He opened the passenger door. Without a word she climbed in. Deprived of thinking, because that wasn’t happening much for him now, he reached over her, pulled the seat belt around her and hooked it. He slammed the door, stomped around the front of the SUV and climbed in. Neither one of them said a word as he backed out, kicking up rocks, and he slammed the engine into drive. They drove off of Nirvana property and when he came to the first pull off, he parked and shut off the engine.
He removed his hat and rested it on the seat between them. Taking a moment to catch his bearings, he finally turned to face her. Some of her coloring had returned, but the uncertainty in her eyes was still brutal.
“Did you suspect that you were pregnant?”
She clasped her hands in her lap, so tight that her knuckles turned white. He could understand her turmoil because he had a fire in his gut. “No. I didn’t have a clue. And yet…maybe I was starting to have signs. Hell, I don’t know. I’ve never been pregnant before now.”
“Okay. You missed a period then?” He lifted a brow, needing to understand detail for detail. As a doctor, he had to have all of the information before he could wrap his brain around the facts.
She continued to stare out the front window. “There’s something you don’t know. Before you and I started having sex, I had begun the process for insemination.”
His eyes widened. “Uhh…what?”
“I’m not old, but I’m not getting any younger either. I wasn’t seeing anyone, didn’t have any prospects of seeing anyone…and then you came along. It was unexpected and I was suddenly over the top with what I should do.”
“And apparently you made your decision because you showed up at the clinic.” He swallowed roughly. He wasn’t sure how to grasp what she was saying.
“And I wouldn’t have had the procedure, even if…”
He reached over, and with his thumb he gently pulled her chin toward him. “Look at me.”
“Okay,” she whispered.
“Sure, this has caught me off guard and it’ll take a little for me soak all the facts up, but understand, we’re in this together.”
“So, what’s with the incident back at Nirvana? You did that to Cole for me?” Her lips thinned.
“The man deserved it and more.”
“But I thought we decided not to say anything.” Her eyes were on him, like invisible lasers.
“I didn’t say anything to Cole.”
She sighed. “You hit him. This might just be what it takes for him to tell Chase.”
He snapped his brows together. “Are you being serious? One, how long do you think you can carry our baby before he realizes you’re pregnant? Second, you can’t be working the ranch. It’s too dangerous. And thirdly…”
“Hold up!” She held up her hand then dropped it. “I don’t want to hear ‘thirdly’. This is my job and it’s exactly because I’m pregnant that I need to keep it.”
“That was number three. We’re in this together. I’ll take care of you.”
By the look in her eye, his words only angered her more. “I’m not the type of woman to be taken care of, Cam. I’ve been independent all my life.”
“Yeah, I get that you’ve always been independent, but now you’re pregnant, with my baby. That switches things up. I’m not a sperm donor. I’m the father.”
“Please don’t take that testosterone overboard attitude with me. Nothing has to change…”
“Pfft. Everything changes. Especially where we’re concerned. That begins with your safety—our baby’s safety. You have to tell Chase that you need lighter duties. Time off. Hell, anything.”
“Are you listening to yourself?” She gave her head a frustrated shake. “I’ll do no such thing. Do you realize how hard it’s been for me to earn my way at Nirvana? I can’t separate myself from the other hands.”
“Then maybe you should have thought about this before you got pregnant.” Once the words were out he realized they were harsher than he’d wanted. “Look, I’m sorry—”
“No you’re not. I don’t know what’s come over you, but I won’t be told what I can and cannot do. This is my body and my baby.” She opened the door and slid out.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“I’m walking, or should I ask permission first?” She slammed the door.
He hurried out of the driver’s side and before she got twenty feet he was beside her, although she was walking pretty fast. “You know I didn’t mean it that way,” he said.
“You meant every word.” She continued to march along the side of the road. A car passed and the driver held down the horn.
“Come on, Moon. Get back in and we can talk. This is crazy.”
She stopped, her eyes narrowed and her lips set in a firm line. “Oh, so now I’m crazy?”
“Do you plan to keep turning every word that comes out of my mouth into a dagger headed straight for your heart?”
“Are you going to continue to give me reasons to twist your words?” She flung up a brow.
“We can’t talk about things on the side of the road. We have to figure things out.”
“No, Cam. I have to figure things ou
t. I didn’t plan for this to happen.”
“Okay, so let me get this straight. You had all bases covered when you planned to become pregnant by a stranger, but now that I’m the father you can’t make heads or tails out of things?” He had a right to be upset too. This was his life too.
“You just don’t get it!” she seethed.
“Maybe I do. Maybe this was your plan all along.” There went the last remaining thread. If there was a boundary not to pass, he just passed it with the speed of a racehorse.
She turned on her heel and stomped down the side of the road.
“Moon? You can’t walk all of the way back.”
She didn’t even look at him when she lifted her hand and flipped him her middle finger. That wasn’t the response he’d hoped for, but he guessed at this moment, they needed some time to cool down.
Moon leaned her chin on her open palm, anchoring her elbow on the arm of the chair as she watched Susie, Nirvana’s massage therapist, wiping down the table where she’d just finished giving one of the guest a massage.
“Okay, stop with the vague, semi-answers. You know your secrets are safe with me, but it’s hard to give you any advice unless I know what’s going on.” She dumped the dirty towels into the hamper and closed the lid, washed her hands then came to sit down across from Moon. “You look like hell, girl.”
“Sheesh, thanks.” Moon slid her chin from her palm and rubbed her forehead.
“I’m your friend. You know I only say that because I care.”
Moon smiled. She couldn’t be more thankful that she and the woman had bonded. They’d become each other’s confidants since Moon started at Nirvana, and Susie had even asked Moon to be her maid of honor at her wedding. “I know and I appreciate your honesty. I haven’t told you things lately because I don’t want to put you in an awkward position.” She stretched out her legs and leaned her head against the wall, blowing out a long breath. “Remember when I had told you that I was considering insemination?” Susie nodded. “Well, I started the process.”
Susie’s eyes widened. “Okay. You know I said I’d back you in whatever you chose.”
“I’m pregnant.” She popped her hands up in a surprised motion.
A moment’s hesitation passed. “Congrats, Moon. No wonder you look tired.” She shot up, hugged Moon’s shoulders before flopping back down. “Wow…you and some unknown stranger made a baby.” She laughed.
Moon cleared her throat. “No, not exactly.”
Susie’s gaze slanted. “Not exactly what?”
“This is where it gets complicated. I don’t know if it was the fact that my hormones were in a frenzy or just that it had been so long since I was held by a man—”
“Oh no you didn’t!” Susie shook her head. “I warned you how messy that can get. So how was Jace in bed? I’ve always wondered if he’s as big as a horse.” She leaned in, wagged her brows. “Give me all of the details.”
“I don’t have a clue how big Jace is. It wasn’t him.”
“Okay, I’m really confused now. You’re pregnant, but not from insemination, but a cowboy here at Nirvana, and yet it isn’t Jace who you had the hots for?”
“I didn’t sleep with a cowboy, at least not a ranch hand.”
Susie hesitated as if she was searching her mind. Then her brows popped up. “You and Doc Cam slept together?”
Moon smiled, her cheeks turning warm. She nodded. “Yes.”
“Holy mother of all that is good.” She waved her face. “That’s even better. So much better, lady. That man is a dream come true. I always said I’d like to get my hands on that sweet, tight—” She squeezed the air as it were Cam’s booty.
“Hey.” Moon wagged her finger.
“Back. I was going to say back! Although, since you’ve had your hands on that tight ass, please put me out of my misery. Is it as wonderful naked as it is in a pair of Wranglers?”
“I don’t kiss and tell.”
“You do when she’s your best friend.” Susie blinked innocently.
“Hotter than imaginable.” Moon shifted, feeling her inner thighs tremble.
“I knew it! You can tell when a man knows how to work his tool by how he moves. So, have you told him that the rabbit died?”
Moon slumped her shoulders. “It didn’t go over too well.” She nibbled her bottom lip.
“Why? He seems like the sort of guy who will step up when he needs to.”
“He did step up, and well, I freaked. I had gone from trying to get into his pants to him worrying about my well-being, about our well-being.” She laid her palm against her still flat stomach. Although she’d known for less than twenty-four hours, she was still attempting to wrap her brain around the idea that she had a newly forming little human in her stomach. She wasn’t sure how she would have responded if it was a stranger’s baby, but it wasn’t. It was Cam’s child. Their child they made together. This shed a whole new light on having a baby. She also knew Cam enough to know that he’d want to be a part of their child’s life. That was something she definitely didn’t have to concern herself with a sperm donor.
“Honey, most women would be complaining if a man wasn’t concerned about her and the baby’s well-being.” Susie patted her hand.
“You’re right. I overreacted. But he’s not off the hook. He thinks I planned this.” She moistened her lips, picking at a fringe on the pocket of her jeans.
“Did he tell you that he thinks you did?”
“He did, after I told him everything about the insemination.”
Susie shrugged. “Can you blame him. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending him, but under the circumstances it would cross many a man’s mind. Wouldn’t it? After all, he is a perfect cowboy daddy.”
“Yes, I guess so. He was caught off guard as much as I was. I should have waited to discuss the pregnancy with him after I had time to catch my breath. But I saw him and I needed to speak to him, to share the news.”
Susie tapped her short nail on the table. “Hmm.”
Moon narrowed her gaze. “What?”
“Well…maybe you wouldn’t be so ‘freaked’ out if your feelings weren’t involved.”
Moon laughed. “I didn’t say I had feelings for him.”
“You didn’t have to.”
Opening her mouth, Moon was ready to deny the silliness, but the words wouldn’t develop. Why lie? She had realized days ago that she’d developed emotions for Cam. Who could blame her? He was kind, masculine, and sexy as hell. That was a perfect combination of appeal. And now she carried his baby. Oh brother. “He might never talk to me again.”
“He’ll talk to you, honey. You’re carrying his child. Just don’t let it get to the point that he’s talking through an attorney.”
Moon blinked. She hadn’t even thought that far. “I can’t allow this to turn into a circus before it even gets started.”
“Then speak to him. Apologize for any wrong doing of yours and I’m sure he’ll do the same. Then remember that pregnant women will have raging hormones. Having the baby’s father close is much better than not, if you know what I mean.”
“Is that all you think about?” Moon teased.
“Of course. I rub my hands all over sexy men and women all day. By the time I get home I’m nothing but a walking hormone. Thank goodness my man is on board.” She smiled.
Long after she’d spoken to Susie, Moon was still rolling her words around. Apologizing was the right thing to do, especially for flipping him off. And because she’d decided to make the first move in amends, she couldn’t wait another minute and why she drove into town to his office. Parked on the side of the building was his SUV.
As she sat in the parking lot, staring at the door to the building, she took on an entire debate inside of her head. What was she thinking by coming here? This could have waited…
No, it couldn’t. She would have been biting her nails down to the quick if she had to wait to see him. Suddenly, seeing
him became her only mission.
She could sit in her truck all day and she wouldn’t gain anymore bravery.
Pulling out the key she pushed it into her pocket and slid out of the seat.
The bell above the door dinged loudly and the pretty receptionist lifted her chin, greeting Moon with a wide smile. “How can I help you, ma’am.”
Suddenly, she was on the verge of having a panic attack.
Without a word, she took a step backward toward her exit. “I-I made a—”
“Moon? What are you doing here?”
The confident, smooth voice broke through her mudded brain. In the doorway behind the receptionist desk stood Cam. A stud in scrubs. He was sexy in jeans, boots and hat, but there was just something about the green scrubs that did it for Moon. She was stuck somewhere between heaven and hell when he came around the counter, one brow lifted. “Moon?”
Snap out of it, silly. She moved away from the door. The chance of leaving had long passed. “I’m sorry. I came to speak to you, but now I’m thinking I should have called first.”
He laughed. “You’re always welcome. Come on back. I have a few minutes before my next patient.”
Moon followed him, staring at his nicely shaped bottom in the thin pants. She looked up to find the receptionist watching and smiling. Moon was busted. Instead of pretending she hadn’t been ogling the doc, she instead shrugged and winked.
Cam showed her into his office and closed the door, and some of the anxiety fizzled.
“I’m sorry about the mess. I’m still getting things situated.” Along one wall were packed boxes. A shelving unit held medical books, and a few sci-fi novels. File cabinets were lined up and one drawer was open. His desk was pushed up against the wall, cluttered with paperwork.
“It’s okay. I didn’t come to check out your office anyway.”