Second Song Cowboy (Second Chance) Page 12
April knew, without a doubt, that fighting her feelings for Dante would be wasted energy, because he’d always own her heart.
Chapter Fifteen
THE YOUNG BULL rider tightened his chaps around his thighs and pulled on his worn leather gloves. He climbed over the cage and straddled the bull that snarled and beat at the dirt with his left hoof. Dread crossed the rider’s bearded face then he turned green as the bull struck his head off the side of the chute. The animal hopped and bounced a few more times as if he could smell the fear.
“He won’t last.” Dante elbowed Dillon as they watched from the rail. “He looks like he’s at a cross between shitting his pants or running home to mommy.”
Dillon shrugged. “If I had to climb atop a beast like Mercy I’d be shaking in my boots too. I ain’t afraid to admit it.”
“I don’t think Mercy will show any sympathy this afternoon. He’s rearing to go.”
The horn sounded and the door shot open. Mercy shot out of the cage, bucking, hopping and thrashing the young rider like a paper doll. The rider’s expression became more petrified as he tightened his grip on the rope. The bull gave a double kicker and the rider dropped.
“Yeah, didn’t think he’d last eight seconds.” Dante hooked his booted heel on the bottom railing. “I miss the ride.”
Dillon gave him a sidelong glance. “You were lucky. You got out without any long-term damage. There comes a point that every man must stop doing crazy things for an adrenaline rush.”
Dante snorted. “I sold the Harley.”
“Is that right?”
“If a baby car seat doesn’t fit on the back then I don’t need it. I’ll miss her, but a cowboy does what needs done.” He scrubbed his jaw and stared into the arena, but seeing nothing.
“It’s about time, bro.” Dillon thumped him on the back. “And it was just a bike. You have a pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow.” He glanced at his watch. “What time is April performing?”
“One-thirty. And where the hell is Deckland?” Dante dropped his boot and scanned the crowd.
Dillon shrugged. “I don’t know what’s keeping him. Hey, there are two familiar faces. Chance Taylor and Duke McGraw.” He pointed to the two brawny men coming their way.
“We thought that was you two rednecks,” Chance said as he approached. “How are you doing, cowboy?”
Dillon shook Chance’s hand and then Duke’s. “I thought you’d be busy at home, Duke. I heard Lila just made you a daddy for a second time.”
Duke scrubbed his jaw as pride lit his expression. “Chase turned two months old yesterday.”
“I’m happy for you, pal,” Dillon said. As Dante listened, he couldn’t help but smile as the men compared happiness. A part of him wanted to brag that he had a kid on the way too, but he stayed quiet.
“You remember Dante?” Dillon asked.
“Sure, we met on the circuit, of course you were as wet behind the ears then as the boy who just got slammed by Mercy,” Duke laughed as he pounded Dante on the back in a manly greeting.
“I had my fair share of hits, no doubt.” Dante remembered the last ride. It was on a feisty bull much like Mercy. Dante had walked away with a broken a wrist.
“Good times, for sure. Now I’ve traded in my chaps for a burp cloth. Times are even better,” Duke’s chest thrust forward.. He was a tough man, but there was a certain softness about him since he’d become a dad.
“Did Leslie tell you that she and Stryker are expecting also?” Chance asked Dillon.
“No, she didn’t. I bet they’re full of joy. I hate to ask, but will this interfere with the horse feed project?” Concern etched creases around his eyes. A lot depended on the deal.
“You know her, nothing will slow her down. She’s looking forward to moving ahead on this.”
After chatting a few more minutes, Chance and Duke excused themselves. They wanted to get home before dark. Once they walked away, Dante shook his head. “Those are a couple of whooped boys.” He laughed.
“Like you have any room to talk. You wait. Your days of freedom are numbered.”
Dante wanted to argue, but he knew his brother spoke truth.
“We better get going ourselves,” Dillon said. “I want to find Peyton before the show.”
“I guess we should.” Dante took a step and stopped. Cassie was waving from a few feet away. Slipping his gaze down her wavy hair, low-cut shirt and too-tight skirt, he trailed his gaze back up and planted them on her twinkling gaze. Fuck! This was the first time he’d seen her since they’d broken up. He could have done without a reunion.
“Cassie.” Dillon dipped his hat in greeting.
“Surprise to see you two here. I’ve come to see April Rayne. How about you fellows?” Neither answered. Sighing, she laid her hands on hips and cocked a smile that once upon a time would have had Dante panting. No sign of a southern salute or heavy breathing now. He chuckled, which got a smile from her. She’d misunderstood his amusement.
“I’m going to go and search for my wife. Don’t dilly-dawdle, bro. The show will be starting soon.”
Dante read every underlying meaning to Dillon’s words.
“I guess Dilly is still sore, huh?” Cassie watched him leave then dug the toe of her boot into the dirt.
“I wouldn’t say he’s sore,” Dante said. “He’s never been better.”
He glimpsed regret in her expression. “How about you? Are you angry with me?” She stepped closer, playing with the top button of his shirt as she stared up at him in skilled seduction.
“No, I’m not.” He stepped back. “You breaking up with me was the best thing that could have happened. It helped me put my life in order, set my priorities straight.”
Her hand, suspended in air, dropped and her bottom lip puckered. Had he actually fallen for this shit at one time? Now he saw the act. “Maybe we can sit down one day and talk about the past. I still think about you often.” Her tongue swept across her red lips as she leaned forward to show off plump tits spilling over the top of her tight bra.
“I have to be somewhere. You take care of yourself, you hear?” He brushed past her and heard her moan of disappointment until a swift wind came along and carried it the same place where his emotions for her had gone. Lost.
April calmed herself backstage at the arena. Counting backwards then working on a relaxing breathing technique, some of the stress faded. No matter how big or small a show, her nerves always got the best of her. Through years of learning to control her body, she no longer threw up before she went on stage.
A knock came at the door. “Come in.”
Dante peeked his head in. “I wanted to see you before you went out.”
Butterflies tickled her insides. “I didn’t know if you’d make it to see me.”
“Miss you performing? Never.” He stepped into the room and closed the door. “And someone got us the best seats in the place.”
“Hmm, I wonder who has that kind of pull.” She wriggled her brows. “I’m glad you’re here.” Standing, she crossed the short distance and kissed his cheek. “I’m always a wreck before a show.”
He blinked. “But you seem calm.”
“Not at all,” she admitted.
“Let me see what I can do.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her against his body. She got a whiff of floral perfume on his collar, but she didn’t have time to think about it before he lowered his lips to hers, sweeping his tongue past hers to lick the roof of her mouth. She trembled as her body melted against him as she succumbed to the feeling of complete desire.
When he started to pull away, she brought her hands up around his neck and pushed her hips over his rising zipper. His masculine scent, his taste, his hands on her back made her insides turn to mush. Her body ached for more as everything around them disappeared and only the passion remained.
Knock! Knock!
Dante stiffened. “Who the hell?”
“Miss Rayne, we
need you on stage.”
“Darn,” she whispered, not making a move.
“I guess you should go.” His voice was husky.
“Yes.” Removing herself from his arms, she gave herself a quick check in the mirror, redid her lipstick and gave her hair a tousle. Grabbing a tissue, she stood on tiptoes and wiped his mouth. “The peach lipstick isn’t your color.” She chuckled. “Will I see you after the show?”
“Of course. I’ll be taking you home.” His grin now was full of mischief.
Another knock came, louder this time.
“Coming.” She winked and exited the door, all nerves settled as she inhaled Dante’s musk from her sequined shirt.
Chapter Sixteen
THE SHOW WAS a success. April came off stage and headed back through the semi-dark hallway toward the dressing room. She always enjoyed entertaining a crowd, but for some reason, looking out and seeing Dante watching her had made her happier than she could imagine.
Caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t realize she wasn’t alone until she was upon the man leaning against the wall. She narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better idea who loitered. Was he a crewmember?
As she continued past him, he nodded. A prickle of warning shot up her spine, but too late for her to react. He was already behind her and pulling her down another hallway. A scream shot up her throat, but was lost as he slammed her against the wall. She looked up, met with the stranger’s dark piercing glare. Tall, broad shouldered with a receding hairline, she didn’t recognize him. His breath reeked of stale whiskey and cigarettes, making her stomach roll. “Hello, darlin’.” His stinky odor singed her nose hairs.
“I think you have the wrong darlin’.” Stepping to the right, a beefy arm came up and blocked her path. A pathetic excuse for a grin curved the corners of his thin mouth. Fear constricted her thoughts and she tried calming her nerves. “I don’t know who you are, but you shouldn’t be back here.”
“I love your voice.” He shifted his weight and almost lost his footing.
Reminding herself to stay calm, she knew how to handle a drunken fan. She’d become a pro. “Thank you. I’m glad you liked the show. I bet a cowboy like you comes to all of my performances.” April dared not inhale deeply for fear she’d get a buzz from his alcohol-laced breath.
His jaw relaxed some. “Sure do. But bastard bodyguards are usually as bad as buzzards on road kill,” he slurred. His beady glare rolled over her body and she cringed. “Must be my lucky day. Did you wear red just for me?”
“Not entirely. I’m meeting someone in my dressing room and if I don’t show up, he’ll come looking for me. Trust me, we don’t want that to happen.” Oh Lordy. She hoped Dante hurried up.
“I throw a mean punch, doll.” He leaned in closer, his body blocking her view into the main hallway. Her mind raced for ways to get away. Screaming was an option, but would anyone hear? Probably not. The crowd was dispersing and most of the crewmembers were out in the arena clearing the equipment.
Clawing his eyes out was a choice.
“I think you might like what Big Mike has to offer.” He dropped his hand to his crotch and cupped his groin.
Remain calm. Remain calm. Remain—
The unzipping of his zipper echoed off the walls.
Her heart sped up.
He fumbled with himself, digging and grunting and April knew it was now or never. Bracing herself against the wall, she brought her hands up and into his chest, sending his clumsy feet off balance. He fell against the wall with a hard thump and groan.
Anger sliced over his expression as he clenched his teeth. “You bitch! I only wanted to make you happy!”
Laughter carried down the hallway and April recognized who it was. “Peyton! Down here!” April yelled.
The stranger turned his cheek, off guard, as April rushed past him. Alcohol had screwed his coordination and when he reached out he missed grabbing her and fell to his knees.
“April? Where are you?” Peyton’s voice grew closer.
April dashed into the main hallway, running into Peyton and Dillon. Her breathing was ragged as she tried to gather her senses and use her tongue. “Thank God…you two…showed up.”
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Dillon asked.
“There—there was a man—.” She pointed down the murky hall.
Dillon shot down the dark corridor and Peyton wrapped her arms around April’s shoulders. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m fine. Just spooked.”
Peyton dropped her arm and clasped her hands, wringing them nervously. “Did the man have a weapon?” April understood she feared for her husband’s safety.
“No, not that I saw.”
They turned and watched down the hall, not seeing anything, met with only silence.
“Dillon?” Peyton yelled down the hall, her voice filled with fright.
“It’s okay. I’m fine.” Dillon’s voice reached them a second before he popped out of the shadows. “Whoever it was, he’s long gone. There’s an exit door at the end of the hall. I looked outside but I didn’t see anything.”
Peyton stepped into his arms and hugged him. “You gave me a scare. Should we call security?” she asked April.
April shook her head. “No, it’s too late. He’s gone. He was just a psychotic fan who wanted to get up close and personal.” Her breathing was finally normal, although her heart still raced. “Have you seen Dante?”
Dillon shrugged. “He said he had to run to his truck to get something and he’d be back here.”
“Will you two wait while I grab my things from the dressing room? I don’t want to walk to the parking lot alone.”
“Sure, April. We’ll stay with you.” Peyton wrapped her fingers around April’s elbow. “I’m glad we came when we did.”
“Me, too.” April forced a smile on her lips. Peyton was as pale as a ghost and April didn’t want to upset her friend any more.
Dante hurried his steps through the parking lot, humming the last song April had sung, the one she’d written under the oak tree. He liked the catchy tune about lovers who’d lost each other only to find one another again when the time was right. The message was loud and clear.
“Time won’t keep us apart. Our hearts will beat as one…”
He reached his truck, opened the door and a strong scent of perfume tickled his nostrils. The song lyrics dropped from his lips as he looked across the seat and saw a set of naked breasts. He’d know those tits anywhere. Anger spiraled through his veins. “Cassie, what the hell are you doing in my truck? And where the hell are your clothes?”
Shifting her slender legs and bending one knee, she revealed tanned flesh all the way up to the apex of her bare inner thighs. The diamond clit ring shone in the overhead golden light. She lifted her arms high above her head, posing in a sexy Marylyn Monroe position that could have made him achingly hard and butter in her hands if he was still stupid.
“Waiting for you, cowboy.” The words oozed past her lips like warm honey.
“Get dressed.” He took a step back.
“Come on, Dante. You know you’ve missed me…and this.” She opened her thighs wider and he got a peek of pink lips. Her musk entwined with floral and it made his stomach turn. Then the blast of whiskey.
“This isn’t going to happen,” he growled.
Cassie slid across the leather until her legs hung over the side of the seat, dangling her feet. Bringing her hands up, she tangled her fingers into the lapel of his shirt. “I’m horny and you know what happens when I’m horny.” Her eyes turned to dazzling orbs of promise. Too bad he wouldn’t touch her now or ever again. “I want to suck your cock until you come in my mouth. You liked when I did that.”
He gulped. He’d fallen for this—her wanton behavior—before. She could suck a dick like a professional, but the only image his mind conjured was a strawberry blonde with spiral curls and lovely green eyes. And his baby. His balls shriveled. A naked woman in his truck wa
sn’t good—not in the slightest.
“No, thank you. Now, put your clothes back on. I’m busy.” He reached past her, grabbing her clothes from the passenger floorboard. “And you’re drunk.”
“I can handle my liquor. And I can handle big tools.” She grasped his belt buckle and started to fumble with the metal. “No man can fill me like you.”
He gently grasped her wrists and pushed them away. “What you and I had, it’s over.”
“Don’t lie to yourself. We’ve always been good at ripping the sheets.” He jerked when she squeezed his crotch.
He held out her shirt. “Take this and put it on.” His patience grew thin.
She grabbed it and gave it a toss over her shoulder. “How about we go back to my place where I can show you how much I’ve missed you.”
“Damn!” He forced the word through tight lips. “What do you not understand?” Her fingers dipped into his waist and she tugged.
Her bottom lip stuck out. “Fine. I’ll put on one piece of clothing with each kiss you give me. Fair?”
He’d forgotten how thoughtless she could be when drunk. He didn’t like this side of her. “No kissing. No touching. Nothing. Got it? You can sit here and I’ll walk away. My—” Calling April his girlfriend seemed less than what she was to him. She hadn’t agreed to marry him, making fiance an assumption. But he rolled with it. “—fiance is having a baby.” He took a step, but her fingers dipped into his crotch and she pressed her body against his, wrapping her legs around his waist.
He heard the footsteps about the same time he heard the gasp. His chest tightened as he looked through the windshield, meeting April’s shocked glare. “Fuck!”
Cassie giggled and snuggled up closer. “Yes, let’s do.”
Dante looked from April to Dillon and Peyton’s confused narrowed gaze. All three of them were staring as seconds ticked by like centuries. With haste, he untangled himself from Cassie’s limbs. “Shit! Shit!”