A Perfect Cowboy Daddy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 7) Page 8
A long moan slithered through his foggy brain, peeling off another thin layer of his control. Like glass shattering into a million shards, his resistance broke. Her slick sheath constricted, squeezing until he could no longer know up from down. Or side from side.
A squeaking noise sounded somewhere in the room, but he was eyeball deep in the clutching hold of her weeping body to care what happened outside of their bubble of lust. He was held by an unspeakable rapture. He couldn’t stop! There was no stopping…
“Cam?” she whispered. She stiffened.
He sank his fingers into her ass, holding on, enjoying the ecstasy. But something wasn’t right.
He looked down into her wide eyes. He forced his body to stop moving, and if he had to compare it to something he’d say it was like cutting off his balls. It hurt so bad, and yet, seeing her expression made his gut clench in curiosity. “What?”
She opened her mouth, but before a word could come out they heard, “Moon? Are you in here?”
“Fuck! Who is that?” he pushed through clenched lips. The faint sound of footsteps could be heard on the steps right outside the door.
“I-I think it’s Nola. She can’t find us like this”
With a growl, he pulled his cock from her, grabbed the condom and slid it off. He jumped up with wobbly legs, searching for his clothes and grabbing them up in haste. He spotted his hat laying in the middle of the floor and he raced to grab it, just as Nola stepped into view through the window of the door. He glanced over his shoulder at Moon who was also scrambling. If he’d had more time he would have stopped to watch her beautiful, heart-shaped ass bent over in a very compromising position.
He scanned the small space, looking for a hiding place. He was out of luck. He had no choice but to dart through the sliding glass door onto the back patio just as the front door came open.
Moon had no time to recover. Her heart was pounding like a jackhammer as rivulets of desire still throbbed through her body. Her nerve endings hadn’t gotten the hint yet that the pleasure had been ripped away. Barely having a chance to gasp for breath, and kicking the box of condoms under the bed, the door came open and Nola stuck her head in.
“There you are.” The woman’s smile fizzled as she looked down Moon’s sheet covered body. “Am I interrupting something?”
Moon gave a quick glance over her shoulder, scanning the empty room. Where the hell did Cam go? “Yes, I’m alone.”
“That’s not what I asked. I asked if I was interrupting something. You’re out of breath.”
“Oh…” The attempt to laugh it off bombed. Nola still stared at Moon inquisitively.
“Uh…I’m confused.” One corner of the woman’s mouth dropped. “I was told you were in here sprucing up. I-I…”
How would Moon explain? Her mind raced for an explanation. It came up blank. And then… “You’ve caught me, Nola. Now you know my secret.”
“I do?” The older woman’s gaze narrowed even more.
“Yes.” In the throes of passion. She couldn’t say that. “I didn’t come in here to clean.”
“You didn’t?”
“No. I snuck in here to get away from everyone. I’m afraid I haven’t been sleeping well and I needed peace and quiet. Please don’t tell anyone, especially Chase, that I was grabbing a few winks. There’s just something about this bed.” “Sleeping in your boots?”
Moon shot a glance down at her feet. Shit! How could she explain this one? She planted on a smile. “You don’t sleep in your shoes?”
One thin brow shot up. “No, I don’t.”
“These boots are like my security blanket.” She tapped the toes together like Dorothy. “There’s no place like home.”
Nola stepped in, clutching her hands tightly, the bandage on her forehead covering more than half of her forehead. “Don’t worry, dear. I didn’t sleep well myself last night.”
Moon would have happily asked why, but standing here wrapped only in a sheet with the scent of sex lingering in the air, she was quite uncomfortable. “Uh…Nola, do you mind…”
“Oh, sorry, hun. Sure, you go on ahead and get dressed.”
Expecting for the other woman to step outside, Moon stared in disbelief as Nola turned her back.
Moon dropped to her hands and knees to look under the bed. No Cam, but the packages of condoms were scattered everywhere.
She tiptoed to the closet and peered in. Still no Cam.
With no other choice, she dropped the sheet and reached for her shirt that was neatly folded on the chair in the corner. She had just slipped her arms in the holes when she saw movement through the glass door. Cam stood on the outside, his hands lifted in question. She shrugged and pointed at Nola who had started humming a tune Moon couldn’t quite decipher.
Cam frowned, looking like he’d just lost the World Cup Series. She signaled for him to hide. His shoulders slumped as he stepped out of sight. A part of her wanted to give up the secret and let him back inside. But that wasn’t possible. She realized how her relationship with Cam could change how the others saw her. Now was not the time to test the waters, not if she needed to afford to take care of a family.
Buttoning her shirt then kicking off her boots to slide into her jeans, she was finally dressed and feeling somewhat better in control. “Okay, Nola. Why did you hunt me down?”
The woman turned, tears flowing down her face. “I-I…am so grateful that Chase has given me a complimentary extension on my stay here.”
Moon blinked. “Then why are you crying?” She placed her hand on the woman’s quivering shoulder. Although Moon had always been a good listener, her focus was on getting the woman out of the lodge as fast as she could. Although the patio was private, she wondered how long Cam would stay outside.
“I love it here so much. You’ve all become my friends and I have nothing at home but loneliness.” More tears flowed.
“Let’s go grab a coffee. I think we both could use one.”
Starting for the door, with Nola leading the way, Moon glimpsed over her shoulder, but Cam wasn’t in sight. Her chest tightened as she closed the door behind her.
She’d have to come back in a few hours and make sure she cleaned up any proof of what she and Cam had shared.
Cam waited, leaning against the railing. Certainly Moon would come and get him when Nola left.
Growing tired, he peeked inside. He pressed his forehead against the glass to get a better look. The lodge looked empty. What the hell?
He heard tires on the gravel and hurried to the other side of the patio, stretching his neck. He caught a glimpse of the Gator through the trees as it disappeared on the lane. His heart skipped a beat. She left him. Kicking a leaf with his boot, he marched to the door and tried the handle. Nothing. He tried again, but realized it must have locked when he closed it.
Just his luck!
He rubbed the bridge of his nose and counted to ten. Stay calm.
He had no idea when Moon would be back and eventually someone would wonder where he was when he didn’t show up for his appointment with a patient.
“Sometimes a man must do what a man must do.”
Leaning over the top rail, he peered over, visually measuring how many feet up the treehouse was from the ground. High enough that he could break an arm or leg if he fell, but low enough that if he was careful, he could manage jumping from the patio, to the closest tree and shimmying down. As a kid, he was always climbing—just not in boots. Well, he wasn’t leaving them behind.
The second that Cam pushed off the wooden rail, he realized he wasn’t as flexible as he was when he was a kid…
Cam stood near the pen watching Chase swing a rope above his head and then slipped the lasso around the horse’s neck. Standing around was Maverick, Dade, Jace and Cole.
Several of the hands had asked where he’d gotten the black eye and he’d told them he’d encountered an angry patient. Although they
laughed at his joke, none had pushed the subject any further, which he was thankful for. The bruising had actually gotten better than it was two days ago when he’d first fallen out of the tree. No bones were broken and he was alive. Everything was good, except for the ache in his groin.
“How are you feeling, Dade?” Cam draped his arm over the top rail and hooked his boot on the bottom.
Dade had been through a lot since the accident. He had recovered quicker than Cam had expected, but he wasn’t surprised. Dade was a man who didn’t allow anything to keep him down.
Maverick, grinning from ear-to-ear, thumped Dade on the back. “Let me tell you what he won’t. He’s itching to get back into the saddle. Look at him watching the horses. Buddy, you need to wipe the saliva from your chin.”
Dade humphed. “I won’t disagree. I’m ready to jump back into working the land.”
“It’s important to take care of yourself, not to push it. Any strenuous activities could be a risk of reinjuring yourself.”
Jace laughed. “No strenuous activities.” He whistled through his teeth. “There goes the love life.”
“Ain’t nothin’ that’ll keep me from—” Realizing where he headed, Dade cleared his throat and resituated his hat.
“That activity isn’t what I was referring to.” Cam chuckled.”
“I hear you, doc.” He pulled off his hat and sank his fingers into his thick, dark hair.
“You’ve worked hard to get to where you are.” Cam patted him on the back. Hearing Chase clicking his tongue to calm the horse, they turned their attention to him as he prepared a syringe and bulb to give the mustang a shot. “Is that the second time he’s been on a course of Penicillin this year?” Cam asked.
“Actually, the third. Vet said he’s looking better though. Could be worse. We thought we were going to have to put him down after the shape he was in when we got him. His owner had abused him and he was nothing but bones. He’s a fighter, this fellow.”
Cam’s internal radar beeped, alerting him that Moon was near. He turned his chin and watched her crossing the dirt plot toward him, or rather the group of cowboys, but he’d like to believe she was shooting for him. Her beautiful smoky blue eyes were narrowed in on him until she tugged her hat lower. She was now dressed, unlike how she was the last time he saw her. He didn’t care how much time had passed. He could go limp, have erectile dysfunction for life, and he’d still get excited over the image of her leaning against the counter in the lodge, a wide smile on her lips and wearing nothing but a pair of boots. He’d almost jumped out of his skin, and like now, he was overcome with a wave of sensation, all targeting his dick.
He roved his hungry eyes over her blue checkered western shirt that had a few buttons left undone, giving him a modest view of the tops of her breasts—the same breasts that he’d suckled, kissed and made love to with his mouth and tongue. He continued down the tight fitting jeans, remembering how she’d wrapped those long legs around his waist and rode him like a bull. His cock jerked alive and he hoped he could hide the fact.
By the time she approached the fence, he had his gaze fixed on the actions inside of the pen, but seeing nothing through the fuzziness of the loss of blood from his brain. He couldn’t look at her yet, afraid he’d announced to everyone around them that he was neck deep in lust.
She didn’t stand next to him. Instead, she wedged herself in between Dade and Jace. He smiled broadly at her and gently elbowed her shoulder. What was an innocent action felt like a horse had kicked Cam in the gut. He was glad to see the two had overcome the issue in the barn. He wasn’t a jealous man, but the burning sensation flowing through his veins sure felt like jealousy, or maybe just envy. It should have been him that she swept up next to and beamed that pretty smile at. He understood completely why she didn’t. The heat between them could have scorched anything standing between them. Poor cowboys would have been as roasted as a pig over a fire pit.
His cock eased some, but the turmoil didn’t edge one bit.
She bent back slightly and gave him a look—one that reminded him of entwined limbs, moans of need and the scent of sex. Yeah, his mind was working overtime.
Hopefully, none of the cowboys caught on to his expression because he knew he must be shining like a light bulb.
“Hey, Moon. Did Nola find you? She looked pretty hell bent on finding you,” Dade asked. “You’ve become her best buddy these days.”
Moon laughed as the horse whinnied, sounding very loud to Cam’s ears for some reason. “Yeah, she found me.”
Cole snorted. “Did she want to hang out and do girly things?”
“Yes, Cole, she wanted to paint each other’s nails, then do each other’s hair with bows and talk about boys. Want to join us?” She tilted a hip. She and Cole were always exchanging low blows. The two just didn’t see eye-to-eye.
He smiled broadly and a lock of his dark blond hair fell over his forehead. “I’ve got better things to do. Manly work.” He lifted his arm and showed off a beefy bicep.
Moon sighed, but Jace’s chuckle kept her from firing off with a comeback that Cam knew was brewing in her. “Hell, I’ll join in. My nails could use one of those pedicure things.” He moved his fingers through the air, mimicking filing his nails.
She bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. “That is called a manicure, not a pedicure, which is for the feet. And you’re right. Do you bite your nails?” She picked up his hand and surveyed them closer. “Or do you use a chainsaw to trim them?”
Cam didn’t realize until all eyes were on him that he’d growled aloud. Realizing he was on the spot, especially under Moon’s close scrutiny as she still held Jace’s hand extended. “Man, it’s getting hot out here.” Cam pulled off his hat and swiped his palm across his head.
“You ain’t a kiddin’. My boxers are soaked. Nothin’ quite as bad as a wet crack.” Cole shifted in his boots.
Moon dropped Jace’s hand and leaned over the rail to look at Cole. “Thanks for that bit of information. I can now go and vomit up my lunch.” Her pert nose wrinkled and one corner of her mouth lifted. Cam wanted nothing more than to drag her into his arms and kiss that sassiness right off her tongue.
“Hey, Chase. When are the new hires starting?” one of the men called out.
“Hopefully very soon so I can kick all of your lazy asses off Nirvana. Look at all of you sitting around shootin’ the shit like you don’t have anything better to do.” Although Chase’s gruff voice made the men stand straight, his smile polished up the severity a bit. He was a stern boss, but respected and very fair.
“Okay, boss. Are we still tearing down that old barn on the north property?” Cole asked.
“Why don’t you head up to check out the progress on the new barn, offer a hand to the workers if needed. Then Jace and Moon, you start on tearing down the walls of the old barn. Be careful with the wood. We’re donating it to a charity that will use it in a new house they’re building for a family.”
“Where should we store the wood to keep it out of the elements?” Moon asked.
“Stack it against one wall. It’ll take a while before it’s torn down and by then we’ll have what’s usable hauled away. We just need to keep things on track so we can have the new barn up by the end of the month. We have the new head of cattle coming in and we need a place to house them.”
“Let’s go,” Jace said to Moon.
Cam wanted to look at Moon as she walked away more than he needed his next breath.
Don’t watch her! Don’t watch her! Maybe just a little peek! Oh hell, just go all oogly-eyed why don’t you, man!
He stared as she crossed the grass. The nice sway of her hips. The way strands of her hair were lifted from her ponytail by the fingers of the breeze. He wished it was his touch on her. The more he saw her, the more he wanted—needed more.
What the hell had he gotten himself into?
Just when he thought she’d disappear without saying a word to him, she stopped at the passenger door of the
company truck and brought her gaze to his. Her small smile lit him up inside. She tucked tendrils of hair behind her ear then climbed inside and he tore his gaze to the Wyoming sky.
He swore when his wife died he wouldn’t find himself in a sticky situation. He’d rather be tied up by the ankles and facing a rushing bull. He looked to the spot where the truck had been sitting, but was now gone. How could Moon be making him question all of his goals?
She was the first woman since Corinne. And wow had she schooled him on how good a no-committal-sex-only relationship could be.
Who was he kidding? He just about ripped Jace’s head off when Moon held his hand. In Cam’s defense, he had been the one holding her naked body lately. He had the right to be a little protective. He was a red blooded man after all.
“You coming to the hog roast tonight?” Chase asked after he jumped over the top rail.
Cam shrugged. A part of him wanted to make up an excuse why he couldn’t, but when the image of a raven haired beauty came to mind, his tongue took control. “Sure. I think I will.”
“Good to have you there. You’re part of the team now.”
“I guess it’s time I did more than just work. Have a little fun.” He laughed, but nothing about his statement was funny.
“Coming from me, a man who used to spend all of his waking hours working, it’s easy to miss what’s right in front of you when you have tunnel vision.”
Scrubbing his jaw, Cam thought over Chase’s words. “Maybe that was the intention.”
“I can’t imagine losing Kaycee so I can understand where you’re coming from. If something happened to her, I couldn’t see living life to its fullest ever again. I don’t even remember what life was like before she plowed right into my heart.”
Cam nodded. “I didn’t think I’d ever feel anything, at least feeling sexually attracted to anyone else. Surprise.” Once the words were out, he realized exactly what he had admitted to.