Second Song Cowboy (Second Chance) Read online

Page 10

  Knowing she was there, right where he wanted her, her juices flowing, drove him over the edge. He grabbed her bottom and with another deep thrust, he emptied himself into her.

  “I’m sorry, April. I—I didn’t use protection.” He’d never ridden bareback. Even with Cassie, he’d used a rubber each and every time.

  Her breathing was returning to normal and she lifted her head. “This may not be the best time to tell you, but I’m pregnant.”

  He brought his gaze up to meet hers. He didn’t see a flicker of humor, but she worked a poker face, always had. “Yeah, I get it. You’re proving a point.” He chuckled. “I didn’t think this would happen and I wasn’t prepared.”

  “Apparently protection doesn’t always work.” Her eyes remained connected with his, somber and fixed.

  Any remaining after-sex bliss disappeared as his gut clenched. Pain of reality skipped through his veins. “What are you saying?”

  “The night in Houston. One of the condoms must have been defective because—” Her tongue came out and swept across her trembling bottom lip. “—well, I’m pregnant.”

  “Holy, shit!”


  April slid back into her jeans and had snapped the button when she heard Dante’s heavy sigh. Goosebumps marred her flesh as she turned to look at his rigid profile. “I’m sorry. I should have picked a better time to tell you the news. But—but it just slipped out.”

  He turned his chin, his cool glaze appeared steely in the bright moonlight. “How do you know? Did you go to a doctor and have it confirmed?”

  “Not one, but two doctors have confirmed the pregnancy.”

  “So, I guess there’s no mistake.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose.

  “No.” The air grew cool and any warmth they’d shared minutes ago disappeared.

  “Are you sure it’s mine?”

  Her chest tightened. “I understand you’re in a bit of shock right now, but I’m sure.”

  “Are we even supposed to do this?” He moved his hands through the air. “Can sex hurt the baby?”

  She swallowed. “It’s perfectly fine. The baby is safe.”

  He nodded. “What are you planning to do?”

  Swallowing, she clasped her trembling hands in her lap. The shaking had less to do with revealing the pregnancy and more because her body still quaked from being held in his arms. “I plan to keep the baby.” As the words passed her lips, she was more certain than ever what she wanted.

  He shot his hand through his hair. “How could this happen? Don’t you use something to prevent this?”

  “Whatever you may think of me, I hope you realize that I don’t sleep around.” She wrapped her arms around her waist.

  “I’m not saying that you do, I’m only suggesting that every single woman need to protect herself.”

  Clenching her jaws, she hesitated, gathering her thoughts. “Look, it takes two to create a child. I realize this is a surprise, but the last thing I need is for you to blame me, or lecture me about using birth control. You weren’t too prepared a few minutes ago either, were you? And whether we used protection or not is a useless conversation. The baby is already made.”

  His grip tightened on the steering wheel. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I’m only a few months along. I found out recently myself. I wanted to tell you the day that I arrived here, but each time I started I couldn’t follow through.” He turned his gaze and stared straight ahead. “I’m not expecting anything, Dante. I can do this alone. In fact, that’s probably best.”

  “Then why did you tell me? Do you think I’m some piece of shit that would turn his child away?” His cold tone could have frozen lava.

  “That’s not what—”

  “I think I need some time to absorb this. My mind is racing.” He started the engine, still keeping his gaze ahead as they pulled back onto the road.

  April laid her head back and closed her eyes. She needed to work on her communication. Bringing a man to orgasm and then dropping the news of a surprise pregnancy probably wasn’t the best timing, but when would have been a better one? Overcome with euphoria, emotions had driven her and the words fell out.

  And no matter what came of this, she didn’t regret telling him.

  She’d give him the time he needed, but it wouldn’t change anything. Keeping the baby was the only choice.

  Chapter Twelve

  DANTE SAT AT the desk, going over the documents for the ranch. He’d reread the numbers three times and the amount wasn’t processing. He lowered his forehead into his palm and rubbed his aching temples.

  April’s words had played on a reel inside his head for two days now. He knew he needed to see her, but until he made sense of his confused thoughts, he didn’t know what he’d tell her. He’d probably only make more of a mess of things.

  He swiveled the leather chair and stared at the framed picture of his mom and dad hanging on the wall. He’d give anything to have their advice.

  The door opened and he looked up as Dillon poked his head in. “Are you busy?”

  “I’m only spinning my wheels. What’s up?” Although their relationship had improved over the last few months, Dante realized there was a lot of unspoken tension remaining. He’d wanted to clear the air, but sometimes time needed to do the work.

  Dillon sat in the chair in front of the desk, stretched his legs and sighed. “I spoke to Duke McGraw, Chance Taylor and Leslie Bakerfield last night and they’re ready to move forward on the horse feed project.”

  Dante sighed. “It’s going to cost us a fortune and it’s a big risk.”

  Dillon chuckled. “Coming from the man who lives life by a thread.”

  His brother’s words seeped into his conscious. His life would change if he became a father. He could no longer live on the edge. “I’m not only thinking of myself here, Dilly. This ranch not only belongs to us, but it’ll be handed down generation after generation. A merger like this could kill us if it doesn’t prove worthy.”

  “You’ve never seemed to care before.”

  Dante looked at his brother and narrowed his eyes. “I’m not a heartless son-of-a-bitch. I’ve always cared about the future of the ranch.”

  Dillon scrubbed his jaw. “I sense a change. Does this have anything to do with April?”

  Rubbing his tired eyes, Dante wanted to throw up a wall, but he needed to talk to someone. “Not sure how she has tumbled my world upside down for the second time.”

  Dillon shrugged. “We never understand the power of a woman. We just go along with the flow and do our best.”

  Dante looked at his brother over the tips of his fingers, and then dropped his hands to the desk. “Seriously? Is that the best you got?”

  “What’s wrong?” A concerned expression crossed Dillon’s features.

  Hell, they were brothers. When one was hurt, they all hurt, no matter what obstacles were in their way. “Remember I went to the Huston rodeo? April had a show there, some charity affair. I stopped backstage to see her and things happened.”

  “Sometimes they do. She must have liked it because here she is, back in town.”

  “There’s more to her visit, bro.” Dante closed the folder of business and pushed it to the side. “She’s pregnant.”

  “What the hell?” Dillon shot forward. “Better be thinking quickly. We were raised to do the right thing.”

  Dante held up his hand. “No lecture, Dilly. Not now.”

  His brother’s face softened. “Okay, but what do you plan to do?”

  With a shrug and a shake of his head, Dante sighed. “What if I’m not sure what the right thing is?”

  “Is she keeping the baby?”


  “I’m not sure where the issue is, brother. This ain’t about you, it’s about the baby. Remember what Dad used to tell us? We take care of our own.”

  “But what sort of father would I make?” An ache started in his chest and slowly spread through his body. He’d n
ever been this stressed and distraught. What the hell was happening to him. “I’ve fucked up.”

  “How you’d be as a father is a question I’m afraid I can’t answer, but we sure did have a good role model.” Dillon relaxed back into the chair again. “And you can call it a fuck up if you wish, but I’d call it a gift.”

  “I know this must be a sore subject, Dilly, but when April told me about the baby, my mind shifted to you, and when you’d gotten the news about Dad not being your biological father.” Dante wasn’t sure how far he could go with the conversation. He threw it out there and he’d let Dillon add the parts he was ready to talk about.

  “When I first learned the truth, I thought everything I’d known, believed in, had fallen apart. Yet, nothing had changed, not really. I mean, no man wants to find out that the father he loved and had put on a pedestal wasn’t who he thought. But with Peyton’s love and support, she helped me realize that it doesn’t matter what man’s blood runs through my veins as long as I have memories in my heart.” He met Dante’s gaze. “I can tell you this, and it comes from a place that I can’t explain, but I wonder at times why my real father didn’t want me. Why he didn’t put up a fight when Mom and Dad came knocking, asking for me back.” Creases appeared around his eyes. “Hell, I know everything happened for the best, but I guess every kid wonders, even as an adult we have questions and curiosity. Don’t let your kid be one who is left wondering why.”

  “Dilly, I’m sorry,” Dante said. He swallowed back a sudden rush of emotion. The words of apology were needed a long time ago.

  Dillon chuckled. “No reason to be sorry. It is what it is and I’m a happy man. Damn, I’m a lucky man.”

  Dante placed his hands on his desk, wondering if he could find the right words. “I’m talking about Cassie. I made the worst possible mistake, and once I was neck deep involved, I didn’t know how to make things right.”

  “Well, hell, bro. That’s history. You screwed up, sure, but looking back you did me a huge favor. Cassie is poison and it took me many years to see the truth. Now, let’s get to the numbers for the ranch and make this a final deal on the horse feed. All we need is your approval to move ahead.”

  “How certain are you that this is the right move for us?”

  “Trust me.” Dillon winked.


  April dug deeper into the soil of the flower garden and her frustration mounted. “Damn weeds!” She gave the digging shovel a toss, wishing she had a bigger tool to work with.

  Tears blurred her vision and she refused to let them fall. She’d cried enough. When a door closed, a window opened, and she planned to stay positive. Gramps’s spirit seemed to surround her here at the homestead, giving her a peace she hadn’t felt in years.

  Kiefer had called and texted her, asking her where she was and when she was coming back, but she’d chosen not to respond…at least not yet. The last thing she needed was a reminder that younger and better singers were on the rise.

  Pulling out a handful of milkweed, she tossed them into the bucket and sighed. Her career teetered on the line and she didn’t care. For the first time in her life, she felt free to do what she wanted, not what she must.

  Hearing tires on the gravel, her heart skipped a beat. She turned, expecting, and maybe hoping, it was Dante. A sliver of disappointment trickled down her backbone as she looked beyond the dust cloud and saw that it wasn’t a truck coming up the driveway. She recognized Peyton’s little red car. April pushed herself up from her hands and knees, swiped her hands off on the backside of her shorts and watched the other woman climb out of the car. Peyton looked pretty in a yellow summer dress that showed off her lithe body and long legs. “Peyton, what a wonderful surprise.”

  “I hope you don’t mind that I just dropped by.”

  “Of course not. I was getting a bit lonely out here. Can I get you an iced tea? Lemonade?”

  “Iced tea sounds delicious. It’s certainly a hot one.” Peyton fanned her face.

  “Why don’t you have a seat on the porch? It’s cool up there and I’ll go grab us each a glass.”

  When April came back, she sat in a wicker rocker that’d seen better days. She tested it for sturdiness before she relaxed all of her weight. “I don’t want to seem rude, Peyton, but I have a feeling you didn’t come here just for a casual chit-chat.”

  Peyton sipped her tea and placed it on the small table. “I hope you don’t get angry, but Dante told Dillon about the baby.” Her probing gaze fell to April’s stomach.

  “How could I be angry? I know how a close-knit family works. Once again, no rude intent, but I was hoping Dante would have shown more concern. We need to discuss the baby.

  “Well, you know how he is. Stubborn as a mule and needs a good swift kick in the seat of his Wranglers on occasion. In fact, all of the Brooke men could use some backside motivation at times. Although each of them has unique qualities, they’re still three peas in a pod when it comes to being set in their ways.”

  “Does he know you’re here?” April drank her tea, hoping to hide the trembling in her bottom lip.

  Peyton hesitated. “No. I came because I thought you’d like someone to talk to. I hope that’s not presumptuous because I’m sure you have many friends, but you’re out here away from everyone. You’re probably used to crowds and the limelight.”

  April rolled her finger around the rim of her glass. “I hope this doesn’t change your opinion of me, but I don’t have many friends. I’ve been caught up in my career for so long those friends lose their place on the priority list.”

  “Once I became a mom, you should have seen how many so-called friends dropped off like dead flies. I realize these days that my family matters most. Dillon is my best friend.”

  “Yeah, you’re a lucky woman. I saw the love you two have for one another and I won’t lie, I felt a bit envious.” April played with the broken threads on her shorts.

  “You’re a woman who is blunt, so I don’t think there’s any reason for me to mince my words.” Peyton turned in her chair. “The baby you’re carrying is a Brooke, and that makes him or her part of our family. And you’re family now too. We are as good as sisters. I’ve never had a sibling, always wanted one though. So, I guess I need to—”

  “Know if I’m keeping the baby. Right?” With a simple nod from Peyton, April sighed. “When I first found out, I gave every option a toss around my mind. But the fact is, I’m not getting any younger and I don’t have prospects of a relationship in the near future. This may be my last chance at having a child. Of course, this isn’t how I’d planned to become a mother, but does anything ever turn out as we hope or wish? Each day I carry the baby the stronger my feelings grow. So, to answer your question, yes I’m keeping my baby, with or without Dante.”

  A broad smile spread over Peyton’s features. “I’m so happy.” She clasped her hands together and gave a quick clap. “Dillon and I haven’t told anyone yet, but we’re expecting also. I’m twelve weeks along.” Her hand fell to her stomach protectively.

  “Congratulations. How wonderful for you both.”

  “We are so excited. We just want to get into our new house and create a wonderful home for Ollie and the baby.” Peyton took on a glow.

  “I’m not sure if this is normal, but I feel like I’m on a roller coaster of emotion. One second I’m laughing and the next I’m crying. I was watching a movie last night on one of those sappy channels and suddenly tears started falling down my cheeks. I ended up crying myself to sleep.”

  Peyton patted her hand then gently squeezed. “I’d like to tell you that it gets better, but while you’re pregnant, the emotional ups and downs only get worse. And your tummy gets large. Our breasts fill with milk and we wonder why we’d ever wanted a larger bra size. Our feet swell. Then we pee our pants every time we laugh or sneeze.”

  April frowned. “You are kidding. I hope.” Fear made her throat tight.

  “Sure.” Peyton turned her cheek, but not before April saw the wrig
gling of brows.

  “I’m freaking out now.”

  With a shake of her head, Peyton laughed. “Don’t freak out now. Sleep every possible moment because once the baby is born you won’t get another restful night for the next eighteen or so years. But every second is a gift.” She then stood up.

  “Thanks for the advice.” April’s stomach rolled.

  “Now, what are you attempting to do here?” Peyton pointed to the overgrown flowerbeds.

  “Tidy this place up. I thought some color would brighten up the scenery. Everything is just so, well, green.”

  Peyton laughed. “You could use another hand.”

  “I can’t let you help me. I’ve been out here this morning and the only thing I’ve accomplished is working up a good sweat and a backache.”

  “You misunderstood. I have someone who will whip this place into shape in no time at all. I recently hired a landscaper for the house we’re building. It’s too hot out here for women in our condition.” She winked. “But, do you like chocolate?”

  “Who doesn’t?” In fact, chocolate was on her recent list of cravings.

  “Then let’s go into town and visit the new sweet shop, Elsa’s Fluff. I’ve been sneaking there every chance I get for her ooey-gooey delights. They are heavenly and I can’t resist. Wanna?” Peyton’s eyes sparkled.

  April’s stomach growled as hunger pangs set in. “I’d love to, but I can’t go like this.” She swept a hand in a downward motion over her dirty T-shirt and dirtier shorts. An image of chocolate cake drizzled in icing made her mouth water. “But I can be ready in twenty.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “NEED REINFORCEMENTS?” PEYTON asked as they drove up to April’s house and they spotted Dante’s truck parked in the grass near the house.

  “Thanks, but I’ve had enough chocolate that I feel like I could conquer the world, even a six-foot-tall cowboy who can be a big ass at times,” April said as she gathered her bags filled with goodies from the back seat.

  Peyton laughed. “You may be exactly what Dante Brooke needs.”

  “Thank you for coming to save me from the weeds.” April bid her new friend farewell and turned toward the house, reminding herself that she had no reason to feel nervous. If Dante decided he didn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life, then she’d make it on her own.


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