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Wanted by the Lawman (Lawmen of Wyoming Book 2) Page 12
Wanted by the Lawman (Lawmen of Wyoming Book 2) Read online
Page 12
“Do not wear those dirty boots onto my clean floor.” Beatrice waved him back into the mudroom. They could hear the thudding of his boots hitting the wall, then he reappeared and took the empty chair closer to Bo.
“Hi, again.” Cullen winked at Wynn.
“Hi.” She couldn’t remember ever being surrounded by so much testosterone.
“Put your tongue back into your mouth, Cul,” Zander warned with a shake of his head.
Kace and Nixon laughed.
“I’m sorry my boys act like they’ve been raised in a barn,” Beatrice said with a disapproving sigh. “I sure hope Zander has been a perfect gentleman.”
Wynn smiled at the pretty older woman. “He’s been very kind. I don’t know what I would have done without his help over the last few weeks.”
Nixon snorted loudly. “Apparently you haven’t gotten to know the real Zander.”
Bo chuckled. “Your mother is going to pull out a wooden spoon and bop you over the head, son.”
“Sorry, Ma.” Nixon lowered his head and scooped up the last bite of meatloaf from his plate.
Wynn found it interesting that this room full of grown men acted like a bunch of teenagers, and yet she could see a genuine compassion and caring in each one.
Beatrice smoothed her hands down her top. “Wynn, would you care to join me in the kitchen. I think we’re ready to serve dessert.”
“Sure. I’d love to.” Wynn scooted back from the table and her thigh brushed Zander’s. He didn’t seem to notice the accidental touch, but her core was throbbing.
“Ma, did you make brownies?” Kace asked.
“Yes, I did.” Beatrice motioned for Wynn to follow her.
Following the other woman through the swinging doors, Wynn admired the pretty décor in the kitchen. A person could tell a lot about another by the layout of their kitchen. And the bright yellow walls, modern, but well-used appliances and the stack of coffee mugs by the professional coffee maker told Wynn a lot about the Cade family.
“It’s hideous, isn’t it?” Beatrice said with a chuckle.
“The coffee maker? Not hideous at all, but definitely…big.” No wonder Zander laughed at her puny one cup maker.
“Raising a large family, with five strapping boys, I found the best way to keep things in control is with food and coffee, lots of it.” Beatrice filled the carafe with water, poured it into the vestibule of the coffee maker, and while she spooned out the granules, Wynn looked at a family picture held on the refrigerator with a cowboy hat magnet.
She easily found Zander among the dashing teen boys. He was devastatingly handsome even back then. “I imagine it must have been a treat raising these many boys.”
“Indescribable. You wouldn’t’ believe how ecstatic I was when the doctor told me I was pregnant with my daughter. Friends have told me I should write a book about all the funny, crazy stories I’ve lived to tell. From broken bones, to falls from trees, car accidents, gun shots.” She shivered. “It’s a conversation piece in it of itself that every single one of them wear a badge in one way or another.”
“You and your husband must be very proud.” Wynn watched Beatrice slice into the pan of brownies.
“Certainly, we are, but want to know what would make me even prouder? If at least one of them would settle down and give me a grandchild. Neither their father or I are getting any younger.” She placed the brownies on a china platter. “I don’t see what the holdup is. I met Bo and my life changed. I knew immediately I’d spend my life with him, and a year later we were married.” Beatrice swiveled. “I think a woman just knows. Don’t you agree?” Beatrice studied her.
She smiled nervously. “I-I’m not sure.”
“Hm.” Beatrice went back to dividing out the dessert. “Zander’s a good man. Out of all my boys he’s the one I worry most about though.”
“He is?” Wynn asked softly.
“He doubts himself way too much. Have you heard about that storm called Sam?”
Wynn sat down at the small round table. “Yes, I have.”
“Then you know he isn’t a stranger to sadness. Also, growing up he had dyslexia. I bet he didn’t tell you that, did he?”
“No, he didn’t.”
Beatrice placed the dessert plates on a tray. “He had the hardest time reading, but as long as he took things slow and focused, he could manage. What he hated more than reading was writing. Getting him to write his papers was a lot like saddling a wild horse. However, I found a pretty tutor who was a few years older than him and he took up to writing quite quickly. It’s funny what a pretty girl can do for a boy.” She gave Wynn a wink. “But then, you’d know something about that, now wouldn’t you?”
“He grew out of it? The dyslexia.”
Beatrice brought over a brownie and held it out for Wynn. “He did, even enjoys reading on occasion, although I’m afraid he might get things a little mixed up…like reading something that isn’t there…like he did with Sam.”
Wynn understood where this conversation was headed. “I like Zander a lot, but—”
“But what, dear?” Beatrice pulled out the chair opposite to Wynn and took a seat.
“I-I think I doubt myself too often also.”
“He likes you. I know my sons.” Beatrice laid a hand on Wynn’s. “He hasn’t brought another woman home since her.”
“I think he just felt sorry for me.”
“Then he would have taken you to grab a pizza.” Beatrice smiled. “Coffee’s done. How about we get back out there and give the men their dessert?”
Zander walked into the living room and his body tightened when he saw Wynn sitting among his clan looking like she belonged—like she’d been there all along. His brothers were laughing about something and she was smiling, that bright smile that he wanted to own. He felt like someone had whacked him in the head with a crowbar as he watched her. She was exquisite, every part of her, and his blood pressure skyrocketed into dangerous numbers.
Damn! What in the hell was she doing to him?
She was more delicious than his mother’s homemade brownies. And apparently his family liked her too.
The music was on and Kace held out his hand to Wynn. Without any hesitation she placed her palm into his and allowed him to swing her around in a twirl to the beat of the country song.
She was breathtaking.
Zander didn’t know what to look at first. Her hair bounced around her flushed cheeks, making her eyes appear as creamy as chocolate. Her smile beamed like the light of a lighthouse. Tight jeans cupped her heart-shaped bottom that made him clench his teeth. Her legs were long and all he could imagine was having them wrapped around his hips. The red T-shirt fit nicely against her breasts teasing his curiosity, wondering what color her nipples were. Pale pink or blush? Were they thick? Perfect to roll his tongue around. He’d bet his eyeteeth she tasted like honey straight from the hive and he ached to sample every sweet, ample curve. She gave a little bouncy step and her breasts jiggled a little. He wanted to step in and support the jiggly mounds with his palms, but he had to get himself together. He had a lot of sets of eyes watching and he didn’t want to announce that he was hot for Wynn. He needed to keep his thoughts of her firm breasts and ass to himself without sharing it to his siblings and parents. If they gathered what he was feeling they’d never shut up.
Feeling pressure behind his belt buckle, he shifted and caught Nixon’s grin from across the room. Zander smirked and flipped his brother off. He shouldn’t care that his siblings understood how the sexy little female morsel made him crazy, but without knowing how she felt about him he didn’t want to end up looking like a fool.
He and his brothers had a rule. Although they liked to tease each other about everything and anything under the moon, they didn’t cross a line when it came to women. If one of the brothers liked a woman, she was off limits to the others. Zander needed only to say one word and they’d all get the message to stay the hell away, although he had a feel
ing he didn’t need to voice anything because each of them had given Zander that “I know, bro” look.
When the music stopped, Zander interrupted, “I hate to break up the party, but it’s getting late and we have a drive.”
Wynn turned and nailed him with a smile that warmed his heart. He caught his breath and their gazes held for a good three seconds. There was no way he could hide what her smile did to him.
She lit up a fire within him that had been burnt out years ago. His body began to sing a silent tune. He knew he should break the spell, knowing eyes were on them, but he was frozen in the moment—the hold of those creamy brown eyes. She had the prettiest face he’d ever seen. Her lips seemed exceptionally plush and ruby. Her bottom lip trembled ever so slightly. His world tilted, and he wanted to drag her in and kiss her until she was weak with need.
“Ready?” he asked with a shaky voice.
He was still reeling when they pulled up to her house and she invited him in. They stepped through the door and she toed off her boots, turning to look at him. He skimmed his gaze over her features, wanting to memorize every lovely detail. He smoothed his gaze over the curve of her cheeks, the cute tilt of her nose and lips that begged for attention. When their gazes met, he swallowed against the constriction of his throat. Her eyes…they were bright and endearing. They were huge, like saucers of milk chocolate, surrounded by smudgy dark lashes. Her hair was damp from the snow they’d been caught in and the tresses stuck to her flushed cheeks.
He should say something, anything, but his tongue was frozen to the roof of his mouth. And finally, he found himself saying, “You will be the death of me.” His feet came unglued from the floor and he strolled the few feet to her. There was no way he could put the brakes on the tornado that caught them up.
WYNN FOUND HERSELF drawn to Zander, and as he moved closer, her stomach did flip flops. He was amazing. His wide shoulders stretched the black T-shirt—probably his favorite. He’d left his hat in the truck which exposed his unruly, dark waves to her view—and hopefully to her touch very soon. As she stared at him she couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel to have him in her life each day, but for now she’d have to settle for today, this very moment. For the life of her she felt lucky, even if this was all she would have.
Her fingers ached to reach up and entangle her fingers through his damp hair. How right it would feel to grab his shirt and drag the cotton from his body, or possibly just rip it from his chest and shoulders. Those seams that were already stretched to capacity would give way easily under a hungry woman’s savage desire. Would he encourage her to continue with his jeans? Or would he be shocked? She remembered that his ex didn’t like kink, but Wynn did…very much so, if she didn’t have to dress for the occasion. Her mind blossomed with an image of what he’d look like underneath those worn Wranglers and her inner thighs quivered. If she had any luck, after tonight she wouldn’t have to guess any longer.
After hesitating at his shiny belt buckle for a good three heartbeats, she finally traveled back up, allowing gravity and desire to drag them north of his waist. Their eyes came together like a clash of heaven and earth. She felt the crash all the way down into her sensitive parts that were now moist and sensitive. He was a potent drink of water. He didn’t even have to touch her to get a response.
If she didn’t touch him, and soon, she would certainly wither away. She sucked in a controlling breath and drew a moistened line along her bottom lip with her tongue—even that part was quivering. Wynn had no clue if what she saw in his blue-grey eyes was an internal turmoil, so she needed to tread carefully and not make an idiot of herself by flinging her body into his arms. Stay casual. “Thank you for taking me tonight.” Realizing the sexual innuendo of her words, she gulped air as her nipples strained against her bra. Holy hell, she was massacring this. “I mean…well, I enjoyed your family.” But mostly I enjoyed being near you.
He reached out and took her hand in what at first seemed like an innocent gesture, but instantly the sparks told her this was anything but innocent. First, he touched her fingers with his own, slowly gliding his palm along hers, the tips of his fingers grazing the soft skin where underneath her pulse beat like a rock-band’s drummer. His forefinger smoothed over the spot, causing an earthquake of her senses. Could he feel the life flowing through her veins as he caressed her lovingly? A gasp escaped her parted lips and she shivered, goosebumps splattered her aching skin. Her entire body a platform of nerves and sensations, as if in the beginning stages of an amazing orgasm. She closed her eyes for a moment, reveling in the sensations flowing through her. When she brought her lids open, one corner of his mouth was lifted in a sensual smile.
She leaned forward, her breasts close to his chest, her nipples budding. There was an irresistible, mesmerizing pull between their bodies, and neither could resist. She certainly didn’t want to. His eyes were pools of heat. She’d never considered herself educated in the needs of a man, but she had a good idea that this stare meant something primal—carnal. Longing was written in his irises, like a book of one word. Could he want her—need her—as much as she wanted him?
If they came together, she’d never get enough…
He cupped her face in his large, callused hands that had seen a lot of hard work in their time. He held her so gently, like a giant holding a pearl. “Wynn, I want to kiss you.” He moved his thumbs over her cheeks, sending a ripple of excitement cascading through her. “I want to taste you.”
Every inch of her body tingled. He wanted to kiss her! Taste her! She silently jumped for joy. “If you don’t, I’ll never forgive you,” she whispered.
When he lowered his head to capture her lips, she moaned in joy. She welcomed him, like the sun shining on a darkened night. Although she parted her lips slightly to invite him in, he didn’t rush things. He relished her lips, beginning with the sweetest, softest kiss, like a butterfly’s wings on the petals of a flower. This reminded her of a greeting as their lips brushed. Gentle caresses of lips against lips, followed by brushes of his tongue that made Wynn want to bite him to get things done faster. As he continued to gently sample her, she made a disappointing moan under her breath of frustration. Zander chuckled against her lips.
“’Patience, baby doll. Such a virtue,” he teased.
Okay, she’d let him take his measly time kissing her, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t touch. Bringing her hands upward on his wide chest, she glided her fingers along his muscled biceps and parked her hands on the amazing bulges. They tightened under her palms. He still took his time, nibbling, teasing, sampling with the patience of a martyr. He licked at the corners of her mouth, all a torture to make her want him so powerfully that she’d allow all chains to release. Clever man.
Standing on tiptoe, she gave him better access to her mouth, and pressed her hard nipples against his chest. She’d waited a lifetime for a man like him, to feel so much raw excitement that she wanted to come apart at the seams. How did he manage to move so slowly, and yet she could feel the shaking in his hands.
Without warning, he lifted her and she let out a tiny yelp of surprise, but immediately settled into the spoon of his strong, powerful body. He took the necessary steps that brought them to the couch and he dropped her. She bounced, but his large frame settled her as he bent over her. With his hand, he parted her knees and moved between them while with his other hand he grabbed her bottom and lifted her against his bulging zipper. She wrapped her legs around his hips and he growled in the back of his throat.
“You’re fucking on fire, baby.” Now shaking with pent up desire, she clutched the cotton of his soft T-shirt in her hands and lifted herself to him, taking the initiative and kissing him fully, sliding past his lips and tangling their tongues. He pulled back, breathless, as his eyes lit. “You’re wild, sweetheart.”
“For you,” she whimpered.
He lowered his mouth and nibbled the skin on her neck, leaving a trail to he
r collarbone where he swept his tongue in the well of her throat. She arched, her nipples pressing against the hard plane of his chest.
Even though he’d describe patience as a virtue, right now the word wasn’t in her dictionary. She needed him and, by the bulge in his jeans, he wanted her too. Grasping the back of his head, she pulled him down for another kiss. He moaned in approval. Some of his patience lapsed. His hands were at her shoulders, then in her hair, tightening around the strands as he fitted their mouths together. He suckled her lips, taking in the plumpness and sweetness. Their tongues swirled and teeth nipped, each devouring the other. Wynn pushed his chest, and brazenly slid over onto him, sprawling on top of him. She bent and kissed his neck and collarbones, jerking the collar of his tee down to give her access to his smooth, masculine scented skin, breathing him in.
“You’re like a stick of dynamite,” he murmured.
“I hope that’s a good thing.” She’d never been compared to dynamite before.
Underneath her lips she felt his pulse beating fast, matching the racing of her own. This excited her even more. She kissed her way to his lips and slid her tongue over the plump pillows. “I don’t want to scare you.”
He chuckled. “Scare me? Never. Bring it on.”
Wynn couldn’t get enough of him. She found the hem of his shirt and pulled him forward while she headed south. Kissing the plane of his flat stomach, she swirled her tongue inside the dip of his belly button and nibbled the curve of each coiled muscle. Swirling, tasting, suckling. Tugging at the belt buckle and seeing that it wasn’t cooperating, he helped her release the metal from the leather. He was so hard and the tip of his erection had grown out of the waist of his jeans. Finding the button and zipper, she made haste in popping and unzipping the denim until the only thing between her mouth and his erection was a thin barrier of cotton boxers. Biting the elastic, she hauled the material downward…
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The vibration tickled her nipples. She bit her lip to keep from giggling at the sensation.