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Secured by the Lawman (Mountain Force Book 2) Page 12

  Guilt plagued Lauren, which drove her to say, “But we can come to the wedding. I can kick your son’s butt in Monopoly another day.” She felt his curious gaze on her profile, but she didn’t dare look.

  “You have made me the happiest woman alive.” Irene clapped her hands. “Okay, I’ll see you two at the chapel at six sharp. You don’t need directions, do you?” she teased. Lauren had to give it to the other woman, she could be a jokester when she wanted to be. “Don’t be late. Your Aunt Agnes will complain. Punctuality is her middle name. Come on, Princess Kitty, let’s leave the lovebirds alone.”

  The second the door closed behind Irene, Lauren stepped out of Steam’s embrace, not because she was uncomfortable, but because she was too comfortable. They fit together so easily it was like his body was formed to hold her.

  “What the hell was that about?” he rumbled, swiping a hand down his tight jaw. He’d shaven and his face was smooth but wouldn’t last that long because by lunch he’d have a layer of dark whiskers sprouting. She didn’t mind, not one bit. Remembering how they’d gently scraped her sensitive skin made her moan. Thankfully, Steam didn’t realize the internal struggle going on with her now.

  “Well…she assumed we are together because I came out of your bedroom.”

  “And you couldn’t tell her the truth?” One thick brow popped up over his amused gaze. At least he found the humor in the situation.

  “Of course not. And break her heart? I’ll leave that to you.”

  “To me?” He shook his head. “No. I didn’t get us into this mess. Looks like we have plans this evening then. Do I need to remind you how overbearing and suffocating my family can be?”

  He was right. She realized the weight of the situation. They would have to sit through a wedding together pretending they were a couple. Why wasn’t she repulsed? Irritated? “Maybe we should just tell her the truth?”

  “Sure. Be my guest.” He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and held it out for her. “You can use my phone. I had the honors of telling her that we were getting a divorce. I think she’s still traumatized.”

  Lauren looked from Steam’s grin to his outstretched phone, then pushed his hand away. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Look in the box in the closet.”

  “The closet? Do you think your clothes will fit me?” She smiled.

  “No, but your clothes should.”

  “My clothes? I didn’t see any of my things in the closet,” she blurted, realizing immediately what secret she’d divulged. “I was curious.”

  His laughter was amazing. It lit his beautiful eyes, reliving some of the stress lines around his eyes of their duty. “Apparently you didn’t snoop in the hall closet.”

  The realization slammed her heart into her knees. He’d kept her things.

  He moved past her, probably needing some space, and went into the kitchen to grab himself a bottle of water from the fridge. When he saw her still looking at him, he shrugged. “You took almost everything.” There was a hitch to his voice.

  She stepped over to the bar and took a seat on the stool. “If I’d known your mom was here, I would have been more prepared to tell her the truth. I can’t believe she still brings you groceries and cleans your place.”

  “I’ve tried convincing her that I’m a big boy.” After downing the entire bottle, crushing it and tossing it into the trash, he smiled. “Even if you would have told her that we aren’t together she still would have come to her own conclusion.”

  “I’ve missed her. I thought she hated me.”

  “Maybe for five seconds.” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. The arms of his shirt lifted looking tight around his muscular biceps, showing off his cross tattoo. The large, shiny metal buckle at his waist seemed to catch the sunlight. He looked so handsome that it took her breath away.

  “Did you hate me?” Snap. What possessed her to mention the past? Would he even answer.

  “Fuck yeah I did.” His perception gaze seemed to drill in her. “Marriage is supposed to be happily-ever-after, not happily-ever-till-I’m done.” Lines appeared around his eyes.

  “We were both responsible for the demise of our relationship. I tried, I really did—”

  “But I couldn’t give you what you wanted.”

  “What I needed.” She turned her gaze away.

  “And here we are. Under one roof. Life really is one big circle,” he said in a rugged voice that felt like sandpaper against her senses.

  “For now.” She plucked at a napkin. “We can’t forget it’s only for now. Anyway, where did you go this morning?”

  He leaned his elbows on the countertop, his gaze meeting hers. “I spoke to the security guard’s widow.”

  She blinked. “Caleb? He’s dead?”

  “Car accident.”

  “Please tell me he wasn’t found with a newspaper clipping.” Her stomach turned.

  “No, but I did come across some facts that are quite interesting. Caleb had come into some money. Quite a bit actually considering he promised to take his wife on that Europe trip they’d always dreamed of.”

  “Europe? Caleb didn’t seem like the type for a European vacation.”

  “Did he also seem like the type who’d lie too? He told her he’d been given a bonus by the company he worked for. Since that struck me as unlikely, I checked that out. They don’t give out bonuses to the security staff.”

  “Then where did he get the money?”

  Steam pushed away from the counter. “If I have to guess, I’d say he was given a hefty reward for turning his head and staying quiet—or rather going for that cup of coffee.”

  She planted her palms on the counter as she absorbed what was being said. “You think he was paid to not help me?” Her throat constricted. She liked Caleb, always had and he seemed kind.

  “I think he was asked to leave his post. At the time he wouldn’t have had any clue what was planned, but once he heard about your attack, he would have put two and two together. Maybe even caused a stink, or the person who was behind the attack didn’t trust him not to stay quiet. I’m sure they didn’t need much excuse.”

  Tears filled her eyes. So many people were dying…and she was trapped in a nightmare. The only solace was that Steam was on her side.

  “I stopped to speak to Selma, but she wasn’t at home or at the office. Did you call her and tell her I wanted to speak to her?”

  “Of course not. She has nothing to hide.”

  “Okay.” He shrugged. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Thank you for letting me stay here. I’m not sure I told you that.”

  “I’ll try to keep in mind that it’s only temporary.” He started for the hall, stopped and looked back at her. “Some people are written on a person’s soul with permanent ink. I just need to face that you used disappearing ink.”

  Chapter 13

  Steam was leaning over the porch rail taking in the scenery of the mountains, enjoying the quiet. He loved the slice of heaven he had here at the cabin. There he could forget all the criminals that he wanted to put behind bars. There was a sense of unease about him that he couldn’t ignore. Inside was his ex-wife, a woman who drove him crazy and excited him all at once. A woman who he’d never managed to get over. Now they were…what? Having non-committal sex? How does a man have a no-strings-attached relationship with a woman he’d dedicated his life to loving?

  He knew better than getting involved again. She wasn’t here in some effort to strike up a second chance.

  Rubbing his forehead, he heard, “Steam?” He lifted his chin, seeing the breathtaking beauty that even the untouched Wyoming landscape couldn’t compete with. Her long hair hung in waves down her bare shoulders and her eyes were bright. Her lips were plush and pink.

  “You found something to wear I see.” He remembered the dress. It was white with small blue flowers, the hem landed above her knees, showing off her toned legs. She looked twenty again, but she was more beautiful th
an ever. “You look amazing.”

  She smiled, a beautiful, sincere smile that kicked his heart up a speed. Lifting the skirt a few inches higher on her thighs, she gave it a swish. “I had forgotten all about this dress. I’m glad it still fits.”

  “Me too.” Why couldn’t he ignore the ache in his chest? Why couldn’t his head absorb the fact that this wasn’t a real date?

  “You look good too. Is that a new shirt?”

  “Yeah, it’s new.” He usually went for the left side of his closet where he kept all his T-shirts, but today was special and instead he reached for one of his nicer button-down Ariat shirts, the ones that he saved for special occasions. Even his jeans were new, and he had on his best cowboy boots. “You ready?” He held out his hand and shockingly she took it and together they walked toward his Jeep.

  “No bike tonight?” She laughed.

  “We can take the bike if you’d like.”

  “It’ll be easier to hold my dress down in the Jeep.”

  “Darn it!” He opened the passenger door for her.

  She slipped in, showing off a large portion of her leg that made his jeans feel two sizes too small. “Steam?”

  He sensed the urgency in her tone. “Yes?”

  “I-I haven’t…”

  “Haven’t what?”

  She touched the tips of her fingers to her cheek where the jagged scar met silken skin. “I haven’t attended many social functions since the attack. It seems that my scar gets more attention than I do.”

  “If anyone gives you the stink eye you just let me know.”

  Some of the tension around her eyes eased.

  He touched her chin, gently lifting it so that she looked at him. “Sweetheart, no one can take your loveliness away.”

  “I’m being silly. I survived.”

  “We’re going to catch them. I promise.”

  One corner of her mouth played with a smile. Their gazes connected and before he could monitor his actions, he was kissing her. She tasted like mint and strawberry and he couldn’t get enough. Her fingers were in his hair, tugging, and his hands were on her shoulders caressing her satin skin.

  He finally pulled back, staring into her wildly lit eyes and plumped mouth. “If I don’t stop the only place we’ll be going is back inside and that dress will end up on the floor. That would be devastating. Not for me, oh for God’s sakes not for me, but for others who won’t see how beautiful you are.”

  Tearing himself away, he rounded the back of the Jeep and climbed into the driver’s seat. Once they were on the road, they stayed silent until they reached the chapel. He was afraid if he said a word, he’d release enough tension that he’d have to pull over and kiss her again…and this time he couldn’t promise that he’d stop short of tasting every inch of her.

  “You ready?” he asked once he shut off the engine.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  They clasped hands and together they made their way up the stairs to the intricate doors into the chapel.

  “What does the view look like while sober?” she teased.

  “Good one.”

  They received greetings, met a few people they hadn’t seen in years, and then sat down in the back of the chapel. “So far so good,” she whispered.

  “Remember, we still have the reception to get through.”

  “Oh my gosh!” a voice squealed.

  Steam and Lauren both turned as Trudy Carl made her way across the aisle. Steam had broken up with her in ninth grade and had a feeling she’d never forgiven him although he’d heard she married a lawyer and had three kids.

  “Hi, Trudy,” Lauren said.

  “Look at you two! I thought I was seeing things.” Her green eyes were surrounded with bright blue eye shadow and a thick line of black. “Who says there’s no such thing as rekindling romance. Ben and I have been married for ten years. There he is right over there.” She waved at a blond man sitting close to the front. “That’s my man. Well, I hope we can catch up later,” she said to Lauren.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Do you mean that?” Steam asked once Trudy stepped away.

  “Of course. I don’t have anything against her.”.

  “I don’t think she likes me.”

  “Because you broke up with her? You did break her heart.”

  “We were seventeen. And then I spotted this beautiful woman who made me feel like a I couldn’t speak or move without making a fool of myself.”

  Her chin came around. “The star quarterback was speechless? I didn’t know I did that to you.”

  “If you only knew how much guts and glory it took for me to ask you out.” If she only knew how much he wanted to forget the wedding and take up where they left off with the kiss.

  Music started which cut off her response. He knew at some point the bride came down the aisle, but Steam couldn’t take his eyes off Lauren. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d imagined her with him, and now here she was. If he blinked or turned away, she might disappear.


  The bride was beautiful, and the wedding was amazing.

  Lauren felt more like herself than she had in years. After the ceremony they headed over to the outdoor venue where a large tent was set up with white tables and chairs, flowers in vases and disposable cameras.

  A three-person band was set up on a makeshift stage. They were playing and Lauren stood close by, enjoying the music.

  “Care to dance?”

  She looked up into amazingly blue eyes that could make her feel like she owned the world. “I’d love to.”

  He held out his hand.

  She stared at his palm for a good three seconds. There were certain things in life a woman never turned down and a dance with a sexy beautiful man was one of them.

  Placing her hand in his, she felt a zap of electricity up her arm that came to rest in her chest, setting off fireworks. They were here under the pretense that they were a couple again and yet being with him felt natural. They’d always had a good time together, laughing and having fun. However, nothing compared to the eruption of sensations exploding in her when she was standing so close to him. He wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her against his muscular frame. She reminded herself that this was only a pretense and not reality. Although they’d shared a few moments over the last week where the ol’ tug of emotions left her breathless, things hadn’t changed. They were wanting different things.

  He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, “I should’ve done this a long time ago.”

  “We’ve missed a few dances, haven’t we?” She lifted her chin, looking up at him. The soft music playing from the speakers swathed them. These feelings were dangerous, making her lose herself.

  Or was it that he challenged her? Swept her out of her comfort zone.

  “Only a few.” His eyes twinkled from the sparkling lights.

  The sun was setting. Twinkling lights were strung around the perimeter. The band was magical and the singer had the voice of an angel that lulled Lauren deeper into Steam’s arms. “Our reception wasn’t quite this romantic.”

  “Really? I thought it was the most beautiful day of my life.” He smiled.

  Easing into the moment, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing their bodies closer, swearing she could feel the thudding of his heart against her breasts. “What happened to us? I thought we’d be forever.”

  The corners of his mouth dipped, and his eyes narrowed into slits. “I was a stupid, arrogant man, sweetheart. I assumed you’d always be there no matter what.”

  She sighed, allowing some of the tension to leave her. The glass of wine she’d had earlier helped. “You weren’t the only one to blame. I closed myself off. I put up a steel wall and was afraid.”


  “This seems so childish to voice, but you were so wrapped up in your career that I didn’t know where I belonged in your life. We were talking kids, even trying, but I wasn’t sure how you could manage being a
father if your wife wasn’t even at the top of your priority list.” There, it was out and there was no taking it back.

  “You were always at the top of my list. I’m sorry that I screwed up in how I showed it. The case of the missing women weighed heavily on my shoulders.”

  “That case. The Max King case. And after he’s arrested what comes next? What case will have all your attention?”

  He gave a curt shrug. “If I could have changed, I would have. I am who I am. As much as it killed me, I thought maybe you needed someone else, a man who could offer you more.” He reached up and slid his knuckles along her cheek. Absent mindedly she tugged tendrils of her hair over the scar. “Why do you do that?”


  “Old habits are meant to be broken.”

  “And yet you say you can’t change.” She straightened her back, keeping her chin jutted and firm.

  “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. One day you’re going to rest easy because I’m going to find every one of the motherfuckers who did this to you.”

  She reached up and touched his cheek, her heart beating so fast she could barely breathe. “Daniel, do you—”

  The shattering of glass close by made her jump and he tightened his hold on her. “It’s okay. The bartender just dropped a glass.”

  “I-I guess I’m still too jumpy.”

  He kissed the top of her head, entwining his fingers in her hair. “We’re both a little too jumpy.” He chuckled.

  The song ended and she had no choice but to leave the safety of his arms. “I should say hello to the bride. I haven’t spoken to her yet.”

  “Keep your dance card open, beautiful. I might get the hang of this dancing thing after all.”

  She smiled. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  The night flowed. They’d danced several more dances and she had a few more glasses of wine. She enjoyed getting caught up with old friends who thankfully didn’t care to ask about the attack.

  Toward the end of the evening, she looked up and found Steam marching toward her, his jaw sat at a twisted angle. “Can I speak to you?” he said next to her ear.

  “Of course.” She followed him into the corridor. “Is everything okay?”