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Secured by the Lawman (Mountain Force Book 2) Page 13

  “There’s been another murder,” he said lowly.

  Her mouth went dry. Her tongue became heavy and dry. “Another?”

  “You can stay with Ma. I’ve got to go.”

  “Not without me,” she said firmly.


  “Don’t “Lauren” me. I’m neck deep in this case and we agreed we’re doing this together. We make a good team.”

  “Are you sure you want to come?”

  “I refuse to sit back and wait. I’m involved in this and I can’t wait and see.”

  He nodded, probably understanding that she wouldn’t be put off.


  Steam looked up from the phone, his gut twisted with scorching pain. He squeezed the phone until he heard the plastic crack and eased up. It took all the strength that he had not to smash the cell into the desk. “What the Fuck!” he pushed through his clenched mouth.

  Coby leaned back into his chair, the springs squeaking under his weight as he placed his clasped hands behind his head. His rosacea looked worse today which usually meant he had reached a point of stress. “The phone was found on the dead guy. The bastard has to be one of Lauren’s attackers.”

  Still reeling from what he just watched, he could barely draw air into his lungs. The fucker had recorded the attack, all of it, including where one of the men had sliced her face. Even after she had passed out, the bigger guy had punched her and kicked her a few times. Steam felt like he was suspended in a bad dream. Watching Lauren being attacked wrapped him in anger. There was nothing he could do but experience the unspeakable pain that came over him. The three bastards laughed as she lay on the concrete floor bleeding.

  “I’m going to find the fucker,” Steam said calmly.

  “Looks like someone’s beating us to the punch.”

  Absorbing his buddy’s words, Steam was proud of himself for containing his rage. “What’s the dead asshole’s name?”

  Coby reached into a folder and produced a picture, slamming it down on the table. “Look familiar?”

  “Yeah. Bart Lehew, or rather Linx to the Diamonds. Over the last six months he’s become King’s right-hand man. Coincidence?”

  “Nothing is ever coincidental when it comes to King.” Coby sniffed.

  “Was Linx still a regular at the strip club, Frisky’s Corner?”

  “Hell, like clockwork. Not sure what was worse. His gambling or porn addiction.”

  Steam stood, knocking back his chair in the process. “Can I take this?” He held up the picture.

  “Yeah, why not. I’ll also send you the video.” Coby unfolded his hands and shifted forward, a serious expression covering his face. “Listen, you nail that motherfucker King. If anyone can do it, it’s you.”

  “Nothing will keep me from it.”

  He strolled out of the office and found Lauren where he left her sitting in the lobby. He’d debated whether he should tell her about the video or not, and when he saw her face, all the worry, he couldn’t show it to her. At least not yet. In fact, he wasn’t sure he could talk to her about what he saw right now if his life depended upon it. He’d never been an emotional man, but when it came to Lauren he was weak. He motioned for her to follow him.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when she caught up to him.

  “A surprise visit.” He stormed out of the glass double doors of the precinct.

  “Hey, do you think you can slow down a little, speedster?” She was huffing and puffing.

  He realized he’d left her behind. Caught up in his thoughts, his brain was wired to find the criminal and nothing else. “I have a lead.”

  “A lead?” Her eyes widened. “Are we going to talk to the guy right now?”

  “No, we aren’t doing anything. I’m going to investigate. You are going back to the cabin.”

  They stood in the middle of the parking lot, the sun had long set and the only light came from a security lamp. “I told you. I’m a part of this. I want to be there.”

  He gave his head a shake, “Not going to happen.”

  “Why?” She crossed her arms and tilted her chin stubbornly.

  “Because it’s unsafe.”

  “I thought you told me you’d protect me?” Her brow popped up.

  He chuckled because she’d always been good at turning things around. “It’s my job.”

  “Then fine. Let’s call this my job too. I want the story on King.” Her eyes didn’t waver.

  He swallowed hard, still reeling from the video that ripped him from inside out. He could barely see straight. He wanted to run five miles then punch something hard. “Why be so stubborn?”

  “Are you expecting me to change?” One corner of her mouth lifted as if she was gloating.

  “There are some rules to this. One, you do as I say when I say it. No hesitation. No questions.”


  “Two, if at any time this becomes dangerous and I can’t protect you, I’ll take you straight to the cabin and that’s where you’ll stay. Got it?”

  “Got it.” She gave him a thumbs up.

  He blew out a long breath. “Get in the Jeep.” By the time he was behind the wheel she was in the passenger seat with her belt on. He started the engine and backed out onto the quiet street.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Frisky’s Corner. Ever heard of it?”

  “Sounds like a pet store.”

  He laughed. “That’s one way to look at it.”

  Chapter 14

  “This wasn’t what I expected,” Lauren mumbled as she and Steam stepped through the dilapidated wooden door into the building, immediately accosted by a cloud of cheap smoke. She wrinkled her nose, getting a smirk from the bouncer who waved them through.

  “Stay close,” he warned.

  The small space was packed with people…mostly men who had their chubby fists around beer bottles and cigarettes. Slow, seductive music played from the corner speakers and on stage a half-naked blonde in a sequined bra and matching panty was thrusting against the pole. Men whistled and cat-called as she moved her hips to the beat of the music. She reached around and in one impressive click, her bra dropped, showing off firm breasts with large, dark nipples.

  As Lauren stepped closer to the bar, several men turned their attention on her, smiling and winking, until they spotted Steam and they almost broke their necks whipping their heads back around.

  However, a braver man who looked like he hadn’t bathed in weeks, wobbled up, almost tripping over his own feet. “Hello, beauty. Are your feet hurting because you’ve been running through my mind all night?” He smiled, showing off his yellowed front teeth.

  Steam growled and the man wobbled his way back into the mist of smoke.

  She watched Steam take out a picture from his pocket and he showed it to the bartender who nodded, said something, then shrugged. Steam’s jaw tightened and he shoved the picture back into his pocket, ordered two beers and jutted his chin toward a table. They sat down in the one nearest the restroom.

  “What are we doing?” she asked in a lowered voice when he handed her one of the bottles.

  “Waiting and watching,” he muttered.

  “Who’s the picture of?” she asked.

  “The dead man.”

  She sat back and crossed her arms over her waist. “For this to work, I need to be in the loop.”

  Without a word, he reached into his pocket and withdrew the picture. “Look familiar?” She shook her head. “Linx is a Diamond and one of King’s right-hand men.”

  “Okay, if he’s dead then we’re not watching for him. Why did you show the bartender his picture?”

  “No one knows yet that he’s dead. Someone here knows who Linx drinks with. The man was always here, at least when he wasn’t doing King’s dirty business.”

  “Can I get you all another?” A pretty redhead waitress saddled up to the table, her breasts barely contained in a striped halter top that showed off flat stomach and an anchor tatt
oo below her navel that pointed south.

  “Hi there. My brother and I are looking for this man.” Lauren held up the picture. “Seen him around?”

  Several tense seconds floated by. “Hell, I’ve seen so many faces around here I can’t keep them straight.”

  Steam pushed a twenty across the table. “Is your memory any better?”

  The waitress looked around and then snatched up the bill, shoving it between her breasts. “The guy hangs out here a lot, but he doesn’t sit at my tables. He likes Suzie.”


  Shifting from one foot to the other, she shrugged. “There goes my memory again.”

  Steam growled then handed her another bill. She smiled and joined it with the other in the safety of her cleavage. “I think he and Suzie had a thing at one time. Anyway, he was a dick, but he tipped her well and she needed the money. She’s the chick on stage. That’s all I know.” She shuffled to the next table.

  Suzie was on her hands and knees seducing the front row of gentleman for money.

  “She won’t tell us anything,” Steam said. “I’m out of cash.”

  “How about I try?”

  “No.” he snarled.

  “It could be the difference between us sitting here all night and waiting for something that probably won’t happen or me speaking to Suzie.”

  Several expressions flitted across his face. He blew out a long breath and scraped his fingers down his cheek. “What makes you think anyone will tell you the truth?”

  “Have you forgotten that I work in journalism? I know how to get the story. Plus, I’m not a scowling lawman that looks like he wants to rip someone’s head off rather than have a conversation.”

  His thick brows scrunched. “Be my guest but be careful.”

  Once the music stopped and Suzie ran off stage. Lauren stood, but Steam’s large fingers clasped her wrist. She looked down at the connection and swallowed. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I’m going to the dressing room. With this.” She grabbed the picture off the table and shoved it into her pocket. He was still holding her. “Steam? I’ll be in the building. What can happen?”

  “I can think of at least fifty things.” The low baritone of his voice told her he had a lot of stress weighing on his shoulders.

  “Trust me. I’ve got this.” Their gazes held and clung to each other.

  He nodded, unclasped his hand and scratched his temple. “Good luck.”

  She made her way through the shadowed corridor where she saw a couple of dancers leave from a room. They passed Lauren and didn’t even look at her.

  The unmarked door at the end of the hall was closed and she opened it, stepping into the dressing room. The small, stifling space was cluttered with racks of costumes, hats and accessories, and a smell that she couldn’t quite describe. The L-shaped counter was laden with make-up, hair products, eye lashes and fake boobs. Anything to make the women show-worthy. The tall blonde, Suzie, was alone and sitting at a vanity, scrubbing the make-up from her face. When she saw Lauren, she smiled. “Honey, I think you took a wrong turn.”

  “I’m pretty good with directions,” Lauren said smoothly.

  The other woman blinked. “Are you the new girl Benny hired?” She swept a cobalt gaze up and down Lauren, nibbling her bottom lip. She rolled her eyes. “The guys like the innocent look, but not sure you can pull it off with the scar. So, I suggest you go for bad-ass.”

  Lauren smiled. “I’m afraid I don’t know Benny and don’t want to.”

  Suzie dropped the dirty cloth and turned. “Okay, I don’t know who the hell you are but—"

  “Do you know him?” Lauren pulled out the picture.

  She snorted and turned back around to look in the mirror. “The guy’s an ass, but at least he tips well.” She pulled off her wig and laid it over the mannequin head, then released her long red hair from the clip. She looked so young, not much older than twenty.

  “I need to find him.”

  “You and probably half a dozen women. Good luck,” she slurred before pulling off her fake lashes.

  “I think you know something,” Lauren pressured. She didn’t take no for an answer.

  The woman swirled in her chair, an exasperated expression making her skin look blotchy. “And if I did, why do you think I’d tell you?”

  “Because I’m the woman he and his buddy’s attacked last year in a parking garage. I’ll take a stab and say this wasn’t his first, or last time beating a woman. We need to put a stop to pieces of shit like this guy.” Although knowing full well the man in the picture wouldn’t be laying his hands on anyone again, Lauren had to play the hand that was dealt to her.

  Suzy stood and went to one of the racks. “Go away!” Lauren stayed put. Suzy slid out of her robe and pulled on a T-shirt and jean shorts. When she turned, her color was pale.

  “I know you can tell me something.”

  “Yeah, and if I talk that’ll definitely be a nail in my coffin. That shit can’t happen to me. Go away and leave me alone.” She was more pleading this time.

  “Is that your girl?” Lauren pointed to a picture taped to the mirror of a girl about four with similar red hair and blue eyes as Suzie.

  “Yeah? What’s it to you?”

  “I bet you come here every evening and thrust those hips for bastards like the guy in the picture just to earn the money to support your child. I don’t blame you for not wanting to talk, but Linx is dead. He can’t hurt you. I’m only wanting to find his cohorts.”

  Suzie continued to stare. “Goodbye.”

  Realizing this wasn’t going anywhere, Lauren left and went back to the table.

  “Well?” Steam asked.

  “She doesn’t know anything. Let’s go.” She motioned for him to follow.

  “Walking away empty handed only means it’ll take us that much longer to solve this case,” he gritted between thin lips once they were outside.

  “Trust me, we won’t get anywhere in there.”

  “Okay. Fine. I’ll think of something else.” Steam started for the Jeep.


  Lauren heard the sound and looked around. She spotted Suzie standing at the corner of the building. She motioned for Lauren to come to her.

  “You forgot your picture,” the woman said.

  “Oh, I did. Sorry.” She accepted the photo back.

  She lowered her voice. “Talk to Six Sense. That’s all I know.” And just like that, she slithered back into the shadows.

  Meeting Steam in the parking lot, Lauren handed the photo back to him and started for the Jeep.


  “Have you heard of the name Six Sense?”

  “A time or two. He’s been in and out of jail for gang-related crimes and theft.”

  “That’s who we need to speak to.”


  “Are all these abandoned houses?” Lauren asked as they drove down the street known as “the bad part of town”.

  “Pretty much.”

  “You sure we have the right address?”

  “This is where Six Sense hangs out.” He pulled in front of a dilapidated building that looked like it was being held together by a brick and nail. “This should be interesting.” Steam reached into the glove box, took out his gun and placed it into his side holster.

  “I’m not staying here,” she said.

  “Wasn’t going to ask you too. You’re safer with me.” He slid out of the driver’s side and they met on the sidewalk. “Stay close. Listen to everything I tell you to do.” They started for the alley.

  “We’re not going to the house?”

  “No. We step foot in there and the place is likely to fall down around our heads.” He opened the gate to a chain link fence. Bags of scattered trash was strewn about the area. A homeless man didn’t even look up as they passed. A dog growled when they walked by, protecting his food that looked a lot like a small animal.

  His nerves were on edge as they continued in the
alley, stepping on littered trash. Just as Steam had expected, he found a group of men standing around a fire pit made with a semi tire. “Six Sense?” Steam said. All the men scurried except for a short, stocky man wearing his cap cockeyed on his head. He started to back away, but Steam said, “Let’s do this the easy way, partner.”

  The man lifted his hands, shaking his head vigorously. “I didn’t do nothin’ wrong, soldier. You can’t arrest me for hanging wit’ my friends, dude.” He took another backward step. Steam could see the man’s head spinning, debating whether he should run or not.

  “Listen, if you run, I’ll catch you. Tell me you won’t and I’ll stick this thing back in the holster. I only need to ask you a couple of questions and then you can be on your way. How does that sound?’ Steam was fully aware where Lauren was behind him.

  “Fuck. I ain’t got no reason to run. Just put the piece away, friend.”

  Steam shoved the .38 back into his holster. “I hear you’ve been hanging out with Linx.”

  “Who d’fuck told you that, bro? I ain’t got shit to do with any of those motherfuckers. Whoever told you that shit got a screw loose.” He snorted.

  “Come on, let’s not waste time. Linx was found dead earlier.”

  Several seconds passed and Six Sense looked genuinely surprised. “Dead? What d’fuck?”

  “What do you know about this?” Steam reached in, withdrew his phone and pressed play. The video came on and Six’s eyes widened as large as quarters. He looked like he might be sick.

  I don’t know shit, man. That ain’t my kinda play. Fuck no.”

  “I know Linx’s type though. He’s a talker, especially when he gets drunk. There’s nothing he liked more than to brag about his accomplishments from what I hear. You two have been hanging out at Frisky’s Corner and that means you’ve heard something.” The man shoved his hands into his front pockets. “Keep your hands out of your pockets,” Steam warned.

  “Fine, man, but you know me. I ain’t into hitting girls and shit. That fucker didn’t see nothing wrong with that shit.”

  “Tell me what you know.”


  “I can take you to the police station and we can take this up there. Of course, if you have a warrant—”