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Secured by the Lawman (Mountain Force Book 2) Page 14
Secured by the Lawman (Mountain Force Book 2) Read online
Page 14
“Fuck, man.” He shifted from one unlaced shoe to the other. “I just got out of the bucket, man.”
“It doesn’t have to come to that. I just want to know what Linx told you.” Steam asked calmly.
“And snitch. Snitches are bitches.” The kid couldn’t be much older than eighteen.
“And closed mouths lead to handcuffs.” Steam didn’t have patience. After seeing the video, he felt like a steam roller that could run someone over.
“Look, I don’t know everything, just a bit. A little morsel. Although that fucker liked to blab a blue streak, he didn’t spill the beans on that shit.” Six pointed at the phone. “This was some big shit. You know what I mean? All I know is that when that one motherfucker was found dead in the alley, his fucking throat slashed, Linx was nervous as all get out.”
“Nervous? Why?”
Six punched the air with his fist. “Because he thought he was next. Kept saying he’d done some fucked up shit and his ass was grass.”
“What was he referring to?”
“Fuck man,” he slurred. “He didn’t say. He was in some rich asshole’s clutch though.”
“Don’t know his name, but I saw him. Once. Rich guy was on the news. Something about his wife being dead.”
Anger rushed through Steam. He pulled out his phone, pulled up a photo and pointed the screen at Six. “Is this the guy?”
“Yeah, I think. You know…my eyes are a little blurry. If I only had enough to grab myself a fifth, I wouldn’t be so jumpy, know what I mean, dawg?”
“Here.” Lauren stepped forward and handed him a couple of bills.
Six slid his sleazy gaze up and down her before he grabbed the money. “Is this yours, dawg?” he asked Steam.
“You’re a real gentleman, aren’t you?” she said with a curl of her tongue.
“Now, is this the man?” Steam had half the mind to grab his .38 and take the man to jail.
Almost salivating in joy, Six shoved the bills into his waist. “Yes. For sure. That’s the man. Linx said he was fucked up as dope.”
“We’re getting somewhere.”
“I’m getting thirstier.” He smacked his lips.
Lauren handed over a bill to Steam. When Six started to grab it, it was pulled out of reach. “Not so fast, partner. Give me some information that I can use.”
Six’s eyes homed in on the twenty. “We stopped at some house one time. Boy told me he could get us some good sh—” he cleared his throat “I mean, get us some good pussy. The man was fucked as cooked rice, bro. A shifty ass shit. Tweaking like a bitch. I heard them whispering about some bitch who wrote somethin’ and they were fucked. Hell, I don’t know, but they got into a heated fucking discussion and I was gone. I ain’t got use for drama and shit, you know.”
“Where was this man?”
“On the corner of Mill and kiss my ass. That old white house with green shutters. Anyway, that’s all I know.” He looked from Steam to the bill several times.
If he thought the guy had any more information, he would have held onto the twenty, but obviously they reached the bottom of the barrel. He handed over the money and Six was gone in a flash, probably to get his fix.
“What was that all about?” Lauren asked on their way back to the Jeep.
“New information,” he grumbled.
“You know what I’m talking about. What did you show him on your phone?”
“I’d rather not talk about it right now.” He started to open the driver’s door but noticed that she hadn’t moved off the sidewalk. “Come on. We should go.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Not until you tell me what has been bothering you since we left the precinct.”
“The whole case has me on pins and needles.”
“Yes, but there’s something else. You can’t lie to me, Steam. I see straight through you.”
“It’s late. Let’s go.” He pointed his thumb in the direction of the Jeep.
“I meant it when I said I wasn’t going anywhere until you divulged what’s going on.” Her chin came up.
Pushing a hand through his hair, he stomped across the space between them and she squealed as he picked her up and tossed her easily over his shoulder. “I don’t have time for this,” he mumbled.
She pounded his back, trying to kick her feet, but he held her tight, so she had no control but to let him take her wherever he wanted. “Relax.”
“Don’t tell me to relax. Put me down!”
“Fine.” He opened the passenger door and dropped her on the seat. She stared at him in pure contentment, ready to tear him into two with a wicked glare. “Behave yourself.”
“Behave myself? Did you really just say that?” she huffed. “You’re treating me like a child.”
“You agreed you wouldn’t question anything.”
“There’s something you’re not telling me, and we agreed that you wouldn’t keep secrets.”
“I’ll tell you, but you’re safer inside the Jeep than outside.” Her face softened some. “Coby found a phone on Linx. On it they found a video.” He rubbed his hand down his face. Lord give me strength. “A video of the night of your attack.”
Her breath hissed off her lips. “One of those bastards recorded the attack?”
The trembling in her voice drove through him like a wooden stake. He wanted to protect her—ease her of all worry and fear. “Linx has connections to Max King. Now we just need the proof that King was behind your attack.”
“How will we get that? Do you think anyone will admit that King wanted me dead?”
“I’m going to talk to the guy Linx was talking to.”
“What if you can’t get him to talk?”
“Oh, he’ll talk. That’s my specialty.”
“So that’s why you’ve been…”
“Pissed? Ready to hurt these men with my bare hands? Yeah…”
“At some point I’ll want to see the recording. I’ll need to see it. For now, we have to catch them.” Her eyes looked huge in the dim light of the streetlight.
“Lauren, I should go speak to him alone. This is dangerous. So far, we’ve been lucky. I need you to be safe so I can concentrate—so I can stay focused on the case. When you’re near me I’m not as attentive as I need to be.” He sighed. “Please understand. Please realize that if anything would happen to you, I’d never forgive myself.”
She placed her hand on his cheek but didn’t say anything. Her troubled expression tunneled through his veins and shot into his chest. He’ d give his life to protect her. He’d give anything to show her how much he cared. But this wasn’t the time to expose his heart. Her safety was at the top of his priority list and they were neck deep into the case now. King would get the word that Steam was looking for him.
“I’ll take you to the cabin,” he said.
“No. We don’t have time for that. Take me to Selma’s.”
He shook his head. “She isn’t cleared yet.”
“Steam, you’re being ridiculous. I know her. She’s my friend. If I can’t be with you, then I want to be at her place.”
Chapter 15
“Thank you for letting me stay here tonight.” Lauren tucked her feet up under her in on the couch.
“I’m glad you’re here. More wine?” Selma held up the bottle.
“I better stop while I’m ahead.” She was on her second glass, but nothing could minimize her anxiety. She hated knowing Steam was out there somewhere searching for a killer. This was a familiar feeling when she couldn’t sleep until he got home.
Selma poured herself another glass and rolled her finger around the rim. “You said that Daniel believes Max King is involved in your attack?” Her dark brows scrunched. “Why?”
“I was putting too much heat on him in the stories I was writing. There’s something else too.”
“What is it?”
“Carol King sent me a flash drive.”
“Wait,” Selma shook her head. “Carol
King is dead. How would she send you anything?”
“Before she died. Well, actually, the night of. She must have read the stories I had written about her husband and she believed I could help her.”
Selma placed her glass on the table. “Where is the drive now?”
“I don’t have a clue. It disappeared during the attack. But it was full of files. Pictures of Max King doing illegal business dealings.”
“Lauren, do you realize what you’re saying?”
“I know. It’s serious. Yet, Steam will catch him. He’s going to be put away where he belongs.”
Selma sighed. “There’s a shine in your eyes I haven’t seen since the attack. Does this mean the journalism bug has bit you again?”
Placing her empty glass on the table, she smiled. “Last week I was ready to shift gears, but right now I feel something I haven’t felt in a long time. The reason why I wanted to do investigative writing in the beginning was to shed light on the wrongdoings of people. To bring people like King and his associates to justice. If he was involved in my attack and he thinks this will stop me, he’s wrong.”
“Do I sense a risqué story in the works?” Selma wagged her thin brows.
Lauren smiled, absolutely feeling more motivated than she had in a long while. Was she finally recovering? Was it possible that being near Steam again had made her feel like her old self—the old self that loved being near him. Whatever could be credited for these new emotions, she felt lighter and wanted to investigate where they were headed. “Enough about me. I haven’t heard you mention your relationship these days. Are you still seeing the sexy debonair businessman?”
Selma leaned back into the cushion, tucking one foot under her. “Things have come to a standstill. We’re on different pages.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. You seemed very happy.”
“That’s been a while. But oh well, there are many more fish in the sea.”
Lauren could tell the subject weighed heavily on her friend. “I think I’ll take you up on the offer to go take a long bath. I feel exhausted.” They stood and hugged. “Thank you for being here for me.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’ve just drank too much.”
“Then you should sleep it off. By the way, Steam wants to speak to you.”
“To me? Why?”
“He thinks you might be able to fill him in on some loose threads about the night of the attack. It’s silly, but if it’ll put him at ease.”
“Sure. Fresh towels are in the closet. If you need anything else just let me know.”
In the bathroom, Lauren turned on the water in the tub and adjusted the temperature, then pulled the knob to the drain. She went to the sink to look at herself in the mirror. “What are you going to do?” she whispered. She was amidst a shitstorm and didn’t know her way up or down, but one thing was obvious, she still cared for Steam. Years had passed but none of her emotions had. She’d dug trenches inside her heart, burying feelings, but they had found their way to the surface.
Shutting off the faucet, she ran her fingers through the warm water. Standing, she started to remove her blouse, but she heard something outside the door. It sounded like a muffled voice of a man.
Pressing her ear against the door, she listened. She’d definitely heard voices. It was Selma and who?
Opening the door a mere crack, she peeked out. Selma had her back to the bathroom and she was speaking to someone, but the person was hidden behind the door. They seemed like they were arguing, but their voices were hushed.
Selma took a step back, shaking her head violently.
The man stepped forward, exposing himself. Max King!?!
How could this be possible? The puzzle pieces came together. King was Selma’s lover.
Did she want to protect him?
Were they in on the attack together?
Did he know yet that Lauren was in the house?
Did Selma call him?
Watching the situation escalating in the outer room, King was now inside, and he was pointing his finger at Selma.
Lauren knew she couldn’t stay in the bathroom. There were no windows and no way out.
Turning the lock on the bathroom knob, she closed the door quietly behind her and tiptoed into Selma’s bedroom across the hall. The voices were now louder. Their argument was getting out of control.
She backed up in the room until her knees struck the bed.
What would she do?
Her purse with her phone were in the living room.
She had to get out. Soon they would realize she wasn’t in the bathroom.
The window. She could crawl out.
Carefully she lifted the window. Then she saw Selma’s purse, her keys laying on top.
Lauren grabbed them at the same time she heard a knock. They were at the bathroom door.
Her time was ticking.
Lauren quietly crawled through the window, thankful it was on the first floor. Then a thought came to her. What if King brought his thugs? Would one of them be waiting for her?
What choice did she have but to risk it? If she stayed, she would most definitely be dead meat. She had to take her chances.
Once her feet hit the ground, she hunkered down, looking through the dark but seeing nothing. So far it looked like she was alone. For now.
Staying with her back pressed against the house, she slowly made her way to the corner and eased out enough to look on the street. King’s black Escalade was parked in front with a buff looking man standing guard. He seemed preoccupied with watching the front of the house.
Selma’s car was parked in the garage.
How could she get to it without the man by the Escalade seeing her?
Knowing her bracket of time had dwindled down to seconds, she slowly and carefully used the shadows as her cover, used the door to get into the garage. Once she was inside the Prius, she started the engine, shoved the gear shift into reverse, and slammed down the pedal. She turned out of the garage squealing her tires on the asphalt and spun onto the street. The man raced around the front of the SUV. Like a racecar driver, Lauren shifted the gear and burned rubber on the street, taking off about the same time she saw King running from inside the house.
Could the Prius outrun the Escalade?
Her only hope was to hide.
Running a red light, she took a left that took her down a one-way street, but in the distance, saw headlights and knew they were close. Pressing the gas, she took a curve going fifty, felt the back of the car skid but the tires stayed glued to the pavement as she took a right and then a fast left. There was a hidden drive between two houses and she pulled in, shut off the lights, and bent down. Her breathing was heavy as she waited, watching for approaching headlights.
Seconds later, she saw lights feather against the surrounding buildings, reflecting off the Prius’ mirror.
Holding her breath, she could hear the heavy thumps of her heart in her ears.
Ducking down lower, she watched in the rearview mirror as the Escalade drove slowly by, so slow that she thought he would see her behind the garage, but the vehicle continued to pass.
A pounding on the glass on the passenger window made her jump in fear.
On the other side of the glass was an elderly man, concern etched on his wrinkled face. “You okay?” he asked through the window.
Pressing the button to lower the glass a few inches, she said, “Yes.”
“Do you need me to call the police?” he asked. “Are you running from someone? Damnit, are you running from a man?”
Lauren feared that any minute the Escalade would circle back around. The goon would know she didn’t get far. He’d search for her until he found her. The man would be danger too. Sitting up, she said, “My-my husband and I had a falling out. I wanted to leave, but he refused to let me. I had to sneak out. Do you think you could help me?”
“Do you want me to call the police?”
“No. No police. But I’m afraid he’ll see my car if I drive out of here. Do you think you could give me a lift to my friend’s house?”
There was a long hesitation until finally he sighed, nodding. “Sure. Stay here.”
She had no choice but to trust him. Seconds seemed to turn into hours until she saw headlights behind her. Her heart leapt out of her chest until she saw that it was an old beat up red truck. She got out of the Prius and hurried around to climb into the passenger seat, meeting the beady eyed stare of a beagle dog that looked like he’d been bothered out of a good sleep.
“Jessa. Lay down,” his owner demanded.
The dog obeyed and whined as he plopped down in the middle of the seat.
“Thank you so much for doing this,” she said to the man who she now could see had silver hair cut very short, around seventy years old and had thin, worn looking hands. When he glanced at her across the short space, he had kind grey eyes.
“I was a cop for thirty years. I know a frightened woman when I see her. Don’t you worry yourself. Jessa and I will get you to your friend’s house safely.” He pointed to the floor. “Get down and stay down.”
Without asking, she slipped down onto the floorboard. The man shifted the gear of the truck and it rumbled alive.
“By the way, I’m Brady. And you probably know this here is Jessa.”
The dog whimpered but didn’t bother lifting her head.
“I’m—” She hesitated, not sure she should give her real name, but why not? So far he was saving her life. “I’m Lauren.”
“Well, Lauren, you stay tight. Are you running from a black Escalade?”
Her heart squeezed into her throat. Fear felt like cold fingers walking down her vertebra. What if Brady gave her up? What if he decided he didn’t want any part of helping her? Then she chastised herself. She pulled into his property. He was being kind. “Yes.”
“We’re passing him now.”
She watched Brady wave and smile.
She held her breath.
His gaze shifted to the rearview mirror.
“He’s gone, Lauren,” Brady said. “Stay put just a bit longer just in case the man suspected anything. He was a mean-looking sum’bitch for sure. How did you get involved with that buzzard?” he growled.